31, August 2016
Clinton and Trump: Two most unpopular presidential nominees in more than 30 years 0
US Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s unpopularity among American voters has reached a new high, according to a new poll, putting her on par with her Republican rival Donald Trump. The latest findings by the ABC News/Washington Post poll solidify Clinton and Trump’s positions as the two most unpopular presidential nominees in more than 30 years. Among all adults, 56 percent now have an unfavorable view of Clinton, an increase of 6 points in three weeks, compared to 63 percent who have the same view about Trump.
Among registered voters, the two nominees have near-identical unfavorable ratings — 59 percent for Clinton and 60 percent for Trump. Clinton’s growing unpopularity follows renewed focus on her use of a private email server while she served as secretary of state, as well as alleged conflicts of interest over her connections to the Clinton Foundation fundraising.
The shift erases a gain in popularity for Clinton after the Democratic National Convention last month. Her favorable rating ticked up from 42 percent in July to 48 percent in early August, before dropping to 41 percent in this poll. Notably, Clinton’s unpopularity among women has rose from 43 percent to 52 percent during the last month, the first time in a year that most women have viewed her unfavorably.
Previous polls taken in the past several months have shown that Clinton and Trump were ranked among the most unpopular presidential candidates in America’s history. Clinton and Trump’s historic low popularity raise uncertainties about voter turnout in the November election.

Trump, on the other hand, has not experienced a change in popularity overall, but some shifts among groups. Most notably, his favorability has dropped 6 points among men while increasing 7 points among women, perhaps a reflection of his recent attempts at “softening” some of his positions.
Trump’s campaign has been marked by controversy from the beginning, including disparaging remarks about women, Mexican immigrants and Muslims.
31, August 2016
Brazil: Heading for a long winter as Dilma Rousseff is removed from office 0
This is the day that 61 corrupt men threw away 54 million Brazilian votes in the garbage. Violence, unemployment and a very dark future for Brazil. Dilma Rousseff has been stripped of Brazil’s presidency following a Senate impeachment vote in Brasilia. Senators voted on Wednesday by a majority of 61 to 20 to remove Rousseff from office. She was convicted of breaking fiscal rules in her management of the 2014 federal budget.
The vote was enough to immediately remove Brazil’s first female president from office. Interim president, Michel Temer, who had run the country following the suspension of Rousseff in May, will be sworn in at about 4:00 p.m. local time (1900 GMT) in the Congress.
Temer is scheduled to complete Rousseff’s presidential term until the next scheduled elections in late 2018. The Senate had voted to suspend Rousseff in May. Following the Senate vote, Rousseff fired back by sending a tweet saying that “today is the day that 61 men, many of them charged and corrupt, threw 54 million Brazilian votes in the garbage.” Rousseff was alluding to her re-election in 2014, which she won with more than 54 million votes.
During a 12-hour trial session on August 29, Rousseff denied the allegations and called the impeachment a coup d’état. On Wednesday, senators held another vote on whether she will be deprived of public office for eight years after a ruling by Chief Justice Ricardo Lewandowski, the magistrate overseeing her trial.
The majority of the senators voted against preventing the leftist president from holding any public office for the next eight years. Only 42 of the 81 members backed the move to bar Rousseff from holding public jobs. Under Brazil’s constitution, a sacked president loses political rights for eight years and should be banned from holding any public job for eight years.