600,000 cases of HIV/Aids in Cameroon 0

According to statistics from the Joint UN program on HIV/ AIDS – UNAIDS, 33 million persons are infected with HIV AIDS worldwide. Of this number 2.3% are found in Central Africa. Cameroon alone counts 4.3% or 600,000 infected cases.

It is this relatively high prevalence rate in Central Africa that justifies an agreement between the United Nations Program on AIDS and the Cameroon government.

According to the agreement, Cameroonians are encouraged to get tested for HIV, if positive; they are provided follow up treatment.

Also attention will be focus on mother-to-child transmission to prevent new infections. The overall objective according to health experts is to attain a 90-90- 90 success rate by 2020.

This entails 90% of persons to get tested, 90% infected persons to receive treatment and 90% prevention of new infection by 2020. The program will be executed through local councils.


– 37% have access to anti retroviral therapy.

– 74% mother to child transmission success rate

The most vulnerable population in Cameroon includes:

– 24.3% Sex workers

– 37.2 % homosexual

– 3.96% prisoners


Source: CRTV