Federal Republic of Ambazonia: Yerima confronts the French challenge in South Africa 0


VIVA the Commander In Chief Julius Malema Viva

Viva the Spirit of Tata Nelson Mandela Viva

Viva the spirit of Robert Sibukwe viva

Viva the spirit of Solomon Mahtlangu viva

Viva the spirit of Steve Biko viva

Viva the spirit of Mama winnie Viva

Viva the spirit of Thomas Sankara Viva

Viva the Spirit of Kwame Nkruma  Viva

Viva the spirit of Kris Hani Viva

Viva Africa for Africans Viva

 Pantse Corruption Pantse,  Pantse colonial dictatorial regimes Pantse,  Pantse to western imperialism Pantse

 On behalf of the Ambazonian people, I want to thank the leadership of the EFF, the Commander in Chief, Julius Malema, commissars and fellow fighters for giving us this opportunity  to ask France to leave Africa.

Revolutionary Sisters and Brothers, I am here today in exile standing for the people Ambazonia, a land annexed, colonised and occupied by La Republique du Cameroun.   In the 50s Ambazonia was far ahead of our present colonisers in terms of Statecraft, public institutions, governance, democracy, human rights and law and order. We lived in a democratic society with unimpeded free trade ideas.

Ambazonia is a country with her own international borders between the Republic of Cameroon, Nigeria and Equatorial Guinea. Activists across Africa have watched in amazement as the EFF in its short existence have successfully championed the course of the African people and has spoken severally  about the plight of the Ambazonian  people.

Just like the EFF, Ambazonia is fighting French Imperialism in West Africa. Yes, the same French imperialist that murdered the South African Anti-Apartheid Giant Dulcie September in Paris in 1988,

after she received documents implicating France in the nuclear power program of the Apartheid regime.

 After murdering the leaders of the independence movement next door in La Republique du Cameroun, France imposed a neo-colonial regime there, a despotic society ruled by horse whip, a despotism that soon became an object of reverence and worship in that country.

We fell prey to such an atrocious dispensation which has nothing to offer except blood, tears, poverty and a wretched and dehumanised existence.  We have never had any ties with France.

In 1960 France used their regime in Cameroon to annex Ambazonia.

 For many years there have been waves of protest over the second-class status that is forced on our people. We wrote to the United nations and the International community petitions upon petitions about the plight of the Ambazonian people and they gave us a deaf ear.

But there comes a time when a people are bound by fate, history and the action of the International community to fully take responsibility of their own destiny and decide whether to be prisoners of their past tragedy or be architects of their own future as human beings living in freedom and Dignity.

It is a new day, and like the EFF, a new crop of Ambazonian activists, the never again generation are standing up against French imperialism and defending our neighbourhoods one block at a time in the senseless war declared on us by the neo colonial regime of Cameroon sponsored  by France.

 Our liberation struggle has been on for over 60 years but it reached its peak in 2016 when the neo colonial regime in Cameroon imposed a French colonial legal and educational system on our Land. Activists called for a general strike but the regime responded by declaring war on us.

As I speak millions of our people have been forced to walk away from everything they hold dear to flee for their lives, as the Cameroon army has embarked on a war of extermination on our communities. A genocide is going on.

On May 18, 2018, the Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Africa reported that since 2016 the Cameroon military has burnt more than 60 Ambazonian villages to the ground, and in some cases, elderly people who could not flee before the soldiers arrived were burnt alive in their homes.

More than 40,000 of our people have been executed. Over 3 million are internally displayed and over a million are living as refugees in Ghana, Nigeria, the Mexican borders, here in South Africa and other countries around the world.

Today the 25th of May, 2022, will make 1601 days since the Cameroon regime with the help of the Nigerian government abducted our leader, Sisiku Julius AyukTabe and 11 of his top aides at a meeting in Abuja, Nigeria. It took over 120 days when they were taken into custody for them to have had access to a lawyer or being brought before a judge, or charged with with any crime. They were tried in a military tribunal for fighting for the basic rights of the Ambazonian people and sentenced for life.

The rape of women and girls, the killing of pregnant women, the killing of children in school, from school and to school, the execution of our brothers, buried in mass graves, the destruction of the crops of our people to impose hunger on them, the spreading of STDs and other infectious diseases is the signature of the French Cameroon regime’s blood thirsty army in our communities since December 2017.

These  French Cameroon’s military  scorch earth policies,  raping of school children and  women are all architected in boardrooms and political offices in France as part of the neo colonial project in Ambazonia and  14 other so called French African states, where the French are after nothing else but our natural resources.

We demand France to leave Ambazonia because we have never had any ties of any kind with France.

Ambazonia is not part of the French sphere of influence in Africa.

We demand that France ends its assistance to FRENCH Cameroon in that country’s Colonisation of Ambazonia and that country’s war of genocide in Ambazonia.

Our comrades from Mali are here today. They have similar cries and these cries are similar across the so called 14 French African states and Ambazonia. Mali was one of the 64 countries in the UN out of the 97 who voted for the Independence of Ambazonia  on the 21st of April 1961. Ambazonians   are grateful and will continue to join you to fight neo colonialism across Africa.

I want to use this opportunity to make this appeal to EFF and all African progressive movements to join hands with us to fight France repression, oppression, killings, looting and plunder of our resources.  Africa deserves better and we can build the Africa our forefathers dreamed of by working in solidarity. NATO stood in solidarity for Ukraine, as Africans, we must stand in solidarity for all Africans.

Mama Africa is pregnant to deliver another child, Ambazonia on the African West coast. She needs the support of the brother from Marikana.   We count on your support fighters and comrades. And, as the Government of the United States has given temporary protection status to Ambazonians who fled the war of genocide and are in the US, let me use this opportunity to call on the South African government and other governments in Africa that as Africans in solidarity, may your governments give protection to Ambazonians fleeing the genocidal war and even do better by speaking up against the human rights atrocities of the Cameroon regime and support the calls for a negotiated settlement of the senseless in humane war on our people

As comrades and fighters for a free and developed Africa, we must always note that, Africa’s fight against neo colonilism rejects attempts by France or any power to come back through the back door to exploit Africa.

Africa is for Africans and everything underneath our feet is owned by Africans, to develop Africa.  It’s time we take back Africa, own our land and enjoy the milk that flows from mama Africa.   That time is now to kick France out of the shores of Africa or any imperialist regime which want to come through the back door.

Long live Africa

Long Live EFF Long Live

God bless the Federal republic of Ambazonia.

Thank you!

 Comrade Dabney Yerima 

Vice president, federal republic of Ambazonia