Biya is aging disgracefully 0

Aging gracefully is not about trying to look like a 16 or a 20-something — it’s about living your best life and having the physical and mental health to enjoy it.

But when you are over ninety years and you have been in power for forty-two years and there is nothing to show for such a long stay in office. When your incompetence is legendary and when you have used intimidation and trickery to keep your people in utter silence. At 92, it is evidently clear that you are aging disgracefully. This is the story of Paul Biya, the Cameroonian dictator.

Cameroon’s per capita income is dwindling at catastrophic rapidity and President Biya’s personal clock is ticking away at lightning speed, yet no one in Yaoundé is speaking of an adequate plan for a peaceful transition of power.

Paul Biya is already 92, he is still the President of the Republic and his acolytes are pushing for him to continue beyond 2025. Biya’s seniority makes King Charles of Great Britain and the UN secretary-general António Guterres look middle-aged at 75.

Many in Yaoundé are now questioning Biya’s sanity and quips about him being compos mentis are intensifying deep within his ruling party the Cameroon Peoples Democratic Movement (CPDM).

In his 42 years as president of the republic, Biya has been undeniably, over the hill and far away from the Cameroonian people.

Take a look at his record: Cameroon’s economy is on life support. Almost every sector has been hit hard by the corruption which has become the government’s hallmark.

Unemployment has hit its apex, leaving many young Cameroonians desperate. Many have found solace in alcohol and drugs.

The country is bereft of all forms of infrastructure. Thousands of Cameroonians die each year on what passes off as roads.

The country’s lone air career, CAMER-Co, has only one airliner and most of its staffs are hardly sure of the next paycheck.

Camrail, the railway network which once brought goods and people to nearly every town and city, is today a shadow of its former self.

The architects of Cameroon Airlines’ demise, who are still in power, displayed the same mindset and destroyed Camship-Cameroon Shipping Company, Cameroon Bank, BIAO Meridian Bank and FONADER Bank.

The price of beer and other bottled concoctions are determined by decrees issued by Mr. Biya whose cardinal objective even at 92 is to die in power.

The country’s police and military have been tribalized. Once ordered to operate in other regions of the country, the military goes crazy, killing and maiming anything with flesh and blood. Most senior officials of the country’s military are from the president’s region, making it hard for any coup d’état to be planned.

There is an inherent fear in electing young leaders in the ruling CPDM party at a time and age when leaders in this critical sphere of human life should be in a position to represent the interests of the major cohort of their citizenry.

On state radio and television, Biya loyalists have repeatedly said life begins at 70 for CPDM politicians. The one million dollar question is with more than half of Cameroon’s population under the age of 30, how can they possibly relate to this massive proportion of their citizenry?

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said: “Politics is weird because it’s the only business where you give a really important position to someone with no qualifications.”

If it were not for politics, what would Biya and his gang turn to for an income in a Cameroon devoid of economic opportunities? What useful skills do Biya and his Beti-Bulu gang possess? What are they actually qualified to do, outside of politics? The answer is simple-nothing.

The fact that young Cameroonians girls have been reduced to prostitutes by hunger and poverty under his watchful eyes, we of the Concord Group have come to the conclusion that Biya is aging disgracefully.

By staff lady Besong Eunice Nchong