Cameroon’s Coffee Exports to France Quadruple in Value Over Three Years 0

In 2023, Cameroon exported 1,648.3 tons of coffee to France, earning CFA2.3 billion, according to a report by the National Institute of Statistics (INS). The report highlights that only robusta coffee, one of the two main types produced in Cameroon, was sold to France in that year.

The INS report shows a significant increase in the value of Cameroon’s coffee exports to France between 2021 and 2023. Over these three years, the value has quadrupled, likely due to a rise in global coffee prices and the increased volume of coffee shipped.

In 2021, Cameroon exported just 604.4 tons of robusta coffee to France, generating nearly CFA580 million. By the following year, the shipments had grown to 1,264.4 tons, bringing in CFA1.6 billion in export revenue.

The growing interest of French consumers in Cameroonian coffee has boosted its position among the top 10 products exported from Cameroon to France, ranking just ahead of bananas and just behind cocoa derivatives like butter, oil, and paste.

Source: Business in Cameroon