20, October 2016
The presidential elections in the United States have never resembled a true democracy 1
The presidential elections in the United States have never resembled a true democracy and the nation requires a political revolution to be able o function as a republic, according to an American scholar. “US presidential elections have absolutely nothing to do with anything that resemble democracy,” said Kevin Barrett, an author and political commentator based in Madison, Wisconsin.
“Americans need to wake up and see that their nation has become a criminal empire rather than a republic as was setup the founding fathers,” Barrett told Press TV on Thursday. Republican and Democratic nominees, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, facef off in the last one-on-one debate on Wednesday in the run-up to the 2016 presidential election.
Trump has challenged the legitimacy of American democracy, declaring that he might not accept the results of the November 8 presidential election if there is evidence it was rigged. “I will look at it at the time. I’m not looking at anything now,” Trump said during his final presidential debate.
Barrett cited several examples that show American elections have been rigged since the 1940s. “I don’t know if Trump is the man to lead the second American revolution, I think he isn’t, but if he can continue to speak these unspeakable truths and destroy Americans’ misplaced faith and the big lies of their almost infinitely corrupt system, then we will get that much closer to second American revolution which is what this country needs,” Barrett stated.
Over the last week, Trump has intensified his criticism of the American electoral system. He called the election process rigged, and said the media is colluding with Clinton in order to beat him. He has strongly questioned the legitimacy of the US elections, saying that he believed the vote was already being “rigged” at many polling places. According to a new poll released on Monday, 41 percent of American voters are saying the 2016 election could be “stolen” from Trump due to widespread voter fraud.
21, October 2016
US elections are rigged in favour of the billionaires and the millionaires 0
During the final US presidential debate with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton on Wednesday night, Republican nominee Donald Trump declared that he might not accept the results of the November 8 presidential election if there is evidence it was rigged.
Press TV has asked two political analysts whether they thought the upcoming election in the US would be rigged as Trump has predicted. Richard Becker, with the ANSWER Coalition from San Francisco, said the election system in the United States is not based on who wins the popular vote. “It’s who wins the election in enough states to win the electoral votes of that state and the electoral votes are very unbalanced,” he said on Thursday night.
Becker agreed that the US elections are usually rigged, but thought that would happen in Trump’s favour this time around. “The elections are rigged but in his (Trump’s) favor, in favor of the billionaires and the millionaires” or “those who could garner the support of billionaires and millionaires,” he said.
He also touched on the Republican nominee’s allegations about a biased media coverage of the election campaign in the United States. “The mass media is supporting Clinton to a large degree now but it’s been estimated that at least two billion maybe as much as three billion dollars in free media coverage came Trump’s way,” Becker said.
Brent Budowsky, a columnist at the top US political website The Hill, said he supports a direct election of the president by voters, and not the Electoral College. Budowsky, however, ruled out the claim that the 2016 presidential race would be rigged, saying Trump was resorting to “conspiracy theory” to justify his defeat in the upcoming election.