31, August 2016
Secondary and High School teachers on faked transfers ordered to return to their initial schools 1
Some 367 government secondary and high school teachers who faked transfers to other schools have been asked to return to their initial schools. The decision was made by the Minister of Secondary Education Jean Ernest Bibehe after a thorough cross check of their files by the Human Resource Management of the Ministry.
According to officials at the Ministry of Secondary Education, 369 files in question were crosschecked out of which only 2 were genuine. Moreover, out of the 369 files, only 146 teachers in question presented their documents as demanded by the Ministry. It is but normal that the others did not border to present theirs since they are mindful of the foul game.
It was also reviewed that some of the fake transfers were orchestrated by some government officials. To this, the Ministry has embarked into strict investigation to track down the said unscrupulous agents. The teachers in question are expected in their initial Schools latest on 1st September 2016, after which their Principals will have to establish certificates of resumption which will be forwarded to the Ministry of Secondary Education by 30th September 2016. Any teacher who fails to adhere to the call will receive sanctions from both the Ministry of Secondary Education and the Public Service.
31, August 2016
Gabon: National Vote Counting Commission declares President Ali Bongo winner 0
The re-election of President Ali Bongo has been announced live on the airwaves of Gabonese national television by the minister of interior. Ali Bongo therefore obtained 49.80% (177,722 votes) and 48.23% for Jean Ping.
Minister Pacome Mouboulet Boubeya read the results one by one from all the nine provinces of the country as tallied by the National Autonomous and Permanent Electoral Commission (Cenap). Opposition leader, Jean Ping immediately responded by saying his victory was “stolen”.
By Chi Prudence Asong