23, April 2020
G20 grants Biya regime 12-month moratorium on the payment of bilateral debts 0
Cameroon is one of the 77 developing countries benefiting from the 12-month moratorium on foreign debt servicing decided on April 15 by the G20 during a video conference. The information was revealed the following day by the French ambassador to Cameroon Christophe Guilhou, at the end of an audience with President Paul Biya.
According to the media service of the French embassy, the moratorium (which succeeded in part thanks to French President Emmanuel Macron’s efforts) postpones the payment of bilateral debts by 12 months.
In its 2020 budget, Cameroon had set a little over XAF720 billion for the payment of its debts. Out of that amount, XAF232.2 billion was set aside for the payment of its bilateral debts for this fiscal year.
With this moratorium, the G20 countries aim to let beneficiaries concentrate on the health crisis at hand and worry about debt repayment later. However, since the debt is not canceled, it will just add to debt servicing in 2021. African countries must, therefore, continue to lobby for the cancelation of their debts.
“We also call for the cancelation of the debt of African countries…The IMF must be ready to respond to our countries’ increased demand for resources. The World Bank must also systematically support all countries since a specific scheme is applied for IBRD and IDA borrowers whose loans are classified as non-performing,” said Alamine Ousmane Mey at the Spring Meetings of the Bretton Woods Institutions. He was speaking as the chairman of the African Consultative Groups (ACG) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Group (WBG).
According to Cameroon’s Ministry of Finance, On December 31, 2019, Cameroon’s outstanding public and publicly guaranteed debt were estimated at XAF8,424 billion, or about 37.3% of GDP. At XAF6,650 billion, the country’s external debt accounted for 77.1% of the total debt.
Culled from Business in Cameroon
6, May 2020
Coronavirus Outbreak: Les Brasseries du Cameroun pressured Biya to lift the ban on bars and pubs 0
French brewery cartel known as Les Brasseries du Cameroun reportedly pressured President Biya to undermine Cameroon’s Health Ministry lockdown provisions against COVID-19 exposing the government’s total ineptitude in dealing with the crisis, Cameroon Concord News Group has gathered from concordant sources in Yaoundé.
The pandemic is now sweeping across Cameroon, overwhelming hospitals, and leading to the surging death toll but the Head of State has ordered all pubs, bars and breweries to operate as usual. While in mother France, pubs are only permitted to either deliver drinks or allow customers to pick them up.
The French brewers threatened Etoudi with severe consequences if the regime failed to put an end to the lockdown. Officials at the Ministry of Public Health have blatantly refused to criticize the government for downplaying the risk of coronavirus spreading in beer parlours.
The Biya decision was put into practice without any proper consultation with Cameroonian trade bodies and civil society organizations. A cream of Cameroonian clergies have raised fingers against the move on social media with a prominent Man of God stating that “The reopening of bar is DANGEROUS. When the FLOOD subsided after 40 days, Noah did not RUSH OUT. He sent a bird out and it was after the 3rd bird did not return that he knew it was TIME to STEP OUT. Please do not join the multitudes that are rushing out because they are tired of staying at home. A lot of people have already been infected and unknowingly will keep infecting others. Let us be wise like Noah to OBSERVE for many more days inside our own ARK, OUR HOMES before taking any action. May we and our loved ones be preserved and protected from this pandemic in Jesus mighty name. Amen.”
By Chi Prudence Asong