30, November 2016
Yaounde hosting African coffee symposium 0
Delegates from the 25 member states of the Inter-African Coffee Organization are meeting in Yaoundé in the fourth African Coffee Symposium. During the five-day conclave which opened on 29th November 2016, the delegates will exchange notes and share experiences on how the African coffee industry could emerge.
The symposium is holding under the theme, “Inclusive Value Chain Transformation in the African Coffee Industry”. In Cameroon, coffee is grown extensively with robusta coffee more prevalent in the coastal areas and arabica coffee widespread in the western highlands.
In September 2014, the Government of Cameroon validated and launched a new plan to revive the coffee sector, hoping to boost production and in that same year, Cameroon was ranked the 31st largest producer of coffee in the world. It is worth mentioning that coffee farming in Cameroon dates to 1884, during the German colonial era.
18, December 2016
Bamenda: Calm returns to markets after “hectic” week 0
Life is gradually returning to normalcy in Bamenda, North West Region after last week’s violent strike action. Taxis are busy transporting passengers while bike riders who were at the center of the strike have resumed work. Shops have been reopened and markets are all noisy once again.
Areas worst hit by the strike such as City Chemist, Hospital Round About and Mobile Nkwen, are all booming with activities. Bus conductors could be heard scrambling for customers who ply different destinations such as Bali, Nkwen, Mbengwi among others. In most joints in Bamenda, Security forces are stationed to preempt any uprising again. Policemen from the mobile intervention unit are perceived putting on their war shield, armed right at the level of their teeth.
At the Food market, traders are present but buyers are few, most are still scared to go out of their homes, talk less of going to a gathering like the market. The traders hold that most people bought their food and stored in homes while others are still to recover from the shock and damages.
But as the town of Bamenda is back to life, Babila John, a roadside trader at City Chemist says it is just temporal, he suspects the strike might be more intensive by January. Traders had said the fact that they are back in markets does not mean they have called off the strike, according to Unionists, the strike shall continue after the festive period.
Culled from Cameroun info.net