11, October 2017
Oil and Gas: Tower prepares for 2018 drilling in Cameroon 0
Following a Technical Committee Meeting and Operating Committee Meeting between Tower, the Cameroon Ministry of Mines, Industry & Technological Development (“MINMIDT”) and the Société Nationale des Hydrocarbures (“SNH”) held in Douala on 3 October 2017, Tower, MINMIDT and SNH have agreed on the following next steps in support of the PSC work commitments:
- To conduct reprocessing of the existing 3D seismic data and conduct specific specialist studies such as attribute analysis, including AVO and pore pressure prediction, and coherency cubes on that data;
- To continue with the geological and geophysical interpretations, using that reprocessed data, to refine and high-grade the prospect inventory on the Thali PSC block, to mature the drillable prospects;
- To investigate rig availability with appropriate technical specifications; and
- Based on this work, Tower aims to provide SNH with a prospect inventory and prioritisation during Q2 2018, and will agree with SNH a location for the first new well on the block.
The budget for the planned work activities for 2017 and 2018 has been agreed. Tower, SNH and MINMIDT have agreed to meet in six months to evaluate the progress of the operations. Based on this progress the parties may contemplate an eventual extension of the initial period of the Exploration Phase to allow the fulfilment of all contractual obligations for the period.
Jeremy Asher, Chairman & CEO, commented:
“We are very pleased to have confirmed our next steps on the Thali license, including the reprocessing of existing 3D data, with a view to finalising priorities for drilling in 2018. We are also grateful to SNH and MINMIDT for their flexibility and support. By deferring the acquisition of new 3D data in favour of reprocessing existing 3D data we can save time and money in the near term, and move faster towards sourcing a rig in the currently depressed rig market. This not only accelerates our progress towards a well, but also makes the cost of our work programme over the coming year much more affordable, even taking into consideration the last portion of the signature bonus which is now falling due. With contingent Oil-In-Place estimated at 39 million barrels (Pmean, gross) already discovered on the block, we are keen to take advantage of the low cost of rigs in the current market and to begin drilling to reach a commercial scale for development of this high-quality near-field block as soon as possible.”
Source: Oil and Gas News
23, October 2017
Cameroon: Dangote cement sold 938 kt, indicating an increase of 16.4 0
Latest performance figures show that Dangote Cement continues to maintain its large share of Nigeria’s domestic cement market, accounting for 65 percent of the Nigerian market volume, while other African plants’ volumes went up by 7.5 percent to 7.0 mta.
These results are coming as the company’s board announced changes to the leadership of the company, with Onne Van der Weijde stepping down as Chief Executive Officer at the end of 2017, having completed three years in this position.
He would be returning to his home country, The Netherlands. Van der Weijde will be appointed as a Non-Executive Director of Dangote Cement PLC, with effect from 1st January 2018.
In the meantime, Engr. Joseph Makoju, Honorary Adviser to the Chairman and former MD of WAPCO/Lafarge, will be acting MD/CEO of Dangote Cement PLC. The Cement company which had in the past months expanded its operations across Africa, the latest being the coming on stream of the 1.5 mta integrated cement plant in Mfila, Republic of Congo, posted some growth figures.
According to the unaudited results for the nine months ended September 30, 2017, the Mfila plant which began operations last month has almost doubled the size of the cement sector in the country. The Congo plant brings to 10 the number of Dangote Cement plants across Africa.
Further analysis of the results indicated that the company recorded strong volumes in Senegal, Ethiopia and Cameroon. In the nine months under review, the 1.5 mta clinker grinding facility in Douala, Cameroon sold approximately 938 kt of cement, indicating an increase of 16.4 percent on the 806 kt sold during the same period in 2016.
Dangote Cement Ethiopia increased sales by 16.8 percent to nearly 1.7 mta in the first nine months of 2017 representing capacity utilization of approximately 88 percent. The cement plant in Pout, Senegal sold 1.0 mta of cement in the period under review, up by 21.7 percent on the comparable period of 2016. This represents almost 89 percent capacity utilization at the factory.
Van der Weijde, speaking on the results, said, “Our Pan-African operations are performing strongly with excellent sales growth in Cameroon, Ethiopia and Senegal. We are consolidating our success across Africa and have just commissioned our 1.5Mta factory in Congo, the tenth country in which we have established operations.”
“In our key operations in Nigeria we have significantly improved our fuel mix and this has helped increase margins across the Group. It is especially good for Nigeria because most of the coal we are using is mined in our own country”.
Source: Ripples Nigeria