27, October 2020
Kumba Massacre: Government has failed to protect children and civilians in time of war 0
On Saturday, October 24, 2020, unknown gunmen stormed the Mother Francisca Academy, Fiango, Kumba around midday. These men perpetrated murder on innocent children in their classrooms. The children died for wanting to acquire knowledge. This act has unsurprisingly been condemned in the strongest terms by nearly all national and international organizations including the United Nations and the European Union. Human Rights Watch and the Cameroonian government through its minister of communication, Rene Emmanuel Sadi, have joined their voices of those who have condemned the atrocity.
However, and curiously so, the Cameroon government in her condemnation statement, seem to have conducted a speedy investigation as it accused the Southern Cameroons separatists of being the perpetrators of the heinous crime. In the government communique, they apportioned all the blame to the “Amba Boys” and this with no evidence whatsoever to buttress their allegation. Many still remember vividly how the same government accused armed groups of committing the 14 February 2020 Massacre in Ngarburh before an investigation revealed otherwise weeks later.
If we agree with the regime that separatist committed this crime, is it not clear that the regime has also failed in its responsibility to protect its civilians? The Cameroon government is by this act of early accusations without evidence trying to evade once again the fact that it has failed to protect its citizens. It is worth recalling that government officials in the two Anglophone regions campaigned recently and reassured parents and teachers that school resumption was safe.
The Responsibility To Protect R2P is the political commitment to stop all forms of violence and persecutions. It seeks to bridge the gap between member states’ pre-existing obligations under International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights law, and the reality faced by populations at risk of genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity.
Koffi Annan, in his September1999 annual report to the United Nations General Assembly said “member states must find a common ground in upholding the principles of the Charter and acting in defense of common humanity”. Mr. Annan repeated this challenge in his 2000 Millennium report when he insisted that “If Humanitarian Intervention is indeed, an unacceptable assault on sovereignty, how should we respond to Rwanda, to gross systemic violations of human rights that offend every precept of our common humanity”
Going by the above, the Cameroon government can therefore not invoke the notion of sovereignty to evade a possible and imminent International Humanitarian intervention in the country to stop the current war. This writer believes that if the Cameroon government is failing in its responsibility to protect, the United Nations should not fail in ordering a Humanitarian Intervention to stop the atrocities in the Southern Cameroons.
The Geneva Conventions and their additional protocols lay down the rules on how soldiers and civilians should be treated during armed conflicts like the case in hand. These conventions were adopted in 1949and still apply in today’s armed conflicts.
International Humanitarian Law(IHL) advocates the protection of victims of armed conflicts and this includes civilians and combatants who have been injured or captured. All parties concerned in such conflicts whether states or organised non-states actors are therefore bound by the IHL in matters of this nature.
If after a proper and credible investigation, it is established that the Southern Cameroons separatists committed the massacre in Kumba, this will deal a deadly blow to their reputation. The legitimacy of their struggle for independence would suffer a major setback. On the other hand, if the investigations come out with evidence to suggest that there has been a repeat of the 14 February 2020 Ngarburh massacre, the state of Cameroon in my opinion, would have again to violated its constitution, International Humanitarian Law, the Geneva Convention and the Responsibility to Protect. Sanctions must therefore be called on the country for such violations.
While we condemn these crimes, no matter who committed them, it is important to note that the time is now for the United Nations to order an International Humanitarian Intervention in Cameroon to stop further bloodshed.
By Nelson A. Agbor
The author is a Research Student in Int. Human Rights Law @ The University of Plymouth, UK.
2, November 2020
Southern Cameroons Crisis: more pressure is needed 0
The panic that is within the ranks of the ruling crime syndicate is testament to the fact that the government is under enormous pressure.
When the political opposition called for a nation-wide demonstration on September 22, 2020, to root out the country’s sit-tight, ailing and incompetent president, Paul Biya, from power, surrogates of the old and bed-ridden president swang into action to ensure the opposition’s call was not heeded by a public which is really tired of the incompetence and corruption that have become the ruling cabal’s hallmarks.
The country’s entire Amada was deployed in Douala and Yaoundé to intimidate opposition supporters who are getting bolder by the day.
But this strategy did not deter Cameroonians who are gradually figuring out that real political change in their country will never come through the ballot boxes which are usually loaded with fake ballots by the country’s ruling party that has been in power for more than half a century with nothing to show for.
New elections are coming up in December 2020 and these regional elections are only designed to prove to the international community that the Yaoundé government is decentralizing as per its 1996 constitution that has never been respected.
The outcome of the election is already known. The tactics will be the same. A few votes will be granted to hungry political leaders like Cabral Libii and others just to legitimize the election.
The ruling CPDM is going to win big, and of course, through the foul means it has always used to win every single election for 38 years.
Intimidation and all corrupt practices will be on hand to ensure Mr. Biya’s party stays in power against the will of the Cameroonian people.
The election will be a total waste of time as the results are already known. Even if all political parties make common cause, the ruling party will steal the victory like it did in the 2018 presidential election.
The leading opposition figure, Professor Maurice Kamto, was robbed of his victory and to silence him, the military was deployed and he was illegally incarcerated for over six months.
A tactic that seems to have been lifted from a Soviet script. In Cameroon, those who vote are indeed not those who count the votes. This clearly implies that the ruling CPDM will always resort to its old antics to perpetuate itself in power.
Cameroonians should, by now, know that elections do not count and that the ruling CPDM will never yield an inch of its power if those who run that party are not arrested and hauled to jail in a people power revolution.
Southern Cameroonians have clearly understood that the Yaounde regime can never be trusted and the economic and political catastrophes generated by the Southern Cameroons crisis have weakened the government and demonstrated that greater pressure on the kleptocrats and gerontocrats who have hijacked power is the best path to walk.
And this path is spreading pain and insomnia among government officials who are completely overwhelmed by the Southern Cameroons crisis.
Initially, the government and its parasitic surrogates had declared that there was no Southern Cameroons crisis.
Opportunists like the country’s territorial administration minister, Paul Atanga Nji, a notorious ex-convict, and CPDM ideologue, Elvis Ngolle Ngolle, who is scared of imprisonment because of some dirt he left at the ministry of the environment, gave the impression that all was well and that the demonstrations by the Southern Cameroonian population against marginalization in 2017 were simply a figment of the imagination of those who wanted to sow chaos in the country.
But today, the same Atanga Nji is losing sleep over an issue he said never existed. The Francophone leadership seems to have outsourced the stress to him and this invisible enemy is gradually consuming him.
He has been aging prematurely and a source close to one of his numerous girlfriends in Yaounde has indicated that the barefaced territorial administration boss is suffering from chronic erectile dysfunction due to stress.
His recent hasty trip to Kumba to demonstrate the government’s sympathy towards families whose children had been killed in a macabre slaughtering of students by undercover military men was a clear demonstration of the enormous stress that the government was taking because of the Southern Cameroons crisis that has put the country in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.
Atanga Nji’s stress was all over him to the point where he was mixing up administrative units even as he is the territorial administration boss. Kumba is in Meme Division in the Southwest region, but Atanga Nji, a secondary school dropout, kept on saying that Kumba was in Fako Division despite the numerous corrections from his collaborators.
The confused territorial administration boss even wanted to use the Bible to bamboozle the crowd but was promptly stopped by a lady who claimed she was under the influence of the Holy Spirit.
The lady’s intervention was more proof that the population is no longer scared of government officials and that the people will continue to challenge the government to reveal the truth about the killings in Kumba.
The Yaounde government is used to mowing down its own people. It also has a track record in hiding the truth. A few months ago, army soldiers slaughtered some 23 people in Ngarbuh, a little town in the country’s Northwest region.
Initially, the government clearly denied having conducted any operations in that locality but when pressed by the international community that had evidence, the dishonest government reluctantly admitted to the massacres.
But Ngarbuh was not the first and everybody knew it would not be the last. Muyuka, Muyenge, Santa, Kwakwa and other Southern Cameroonian towns have been victims of the government’s diabolic and Marchiavellic schemes.
The pattern is the same. Denial first and acceptance second. The same strategy has also been used in the country’s Far North region where a woman and her baby were shot point blank by Cameroon army soldiers. Thanks to the BBC’s superior technology, the lying Yaoundé government was caught red-handed.
The truth about Kumba will soon be out. The government knows who is behind the killings. It is revealing less than it knows.
But if Cameroonians have to rob themselves of their irresponsible government, then they must step up the pressure. They must create multiple pressure points both at home and abroad to ensure the criminal syndicate really belongs to the past.
It is time to flush the corrupt and incompetent government out and this will only be achieved through pressure and unity of purpose.
Southern Cameroonians must make common cause with their counterparts in East Cameroon if they must achieve anything.
Going solo may not yield the right dividends. The Biya government has a way of reincarnating. If it must be flushed out, then the different factions involved in the Southern Cameroons crisis must make common cause with the objective of stepping up pressure on a crumbling corrupt and ineffective government.
By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai
Group Chairman/Editor-In-Chief