24, July 2020
Public Announcement 0
The Board of Directors of the Cameroon Concord News Group hereby informs the public that after its annual meeting held via zoom due to COVID-19 on Thursday, July 23, 2020, and based on documents submitted by external auditors, the Board has restated and reiterated its confidence in the Group’s Chairman, Mr. Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai, for his astute planning and management of the Group’s affairs and operations during the 2019-2020 financial year.
As a result, the Board of Directors has approved a budget of USD 1 million for the 2020-2021 financial year which will cover salary increases, facility and equipment maintenance and the recruitment of new staff.
The Board urges the public to support the Group Chairman and his staff in their efforts to deliver news in real time and with the best quality.
Dr. Joachim Arrey.
Chairman, Cameroon Concord News Group Board of Directors
26, July 2020
Federal Republic of Ambazonia: The state of the revolution 0
Interim Government Statement on state of the Revolution
Fellow Ambazonians,
Our revolution has suffered and is suffering in the hands of dishonest individuals amongst us. Trust is a major reason for our success to date. The bad seeds within us whose main aim is to propagate the enemy’s agenda to divide us and derail our revolution will not succeed. We have two enemies in our fight for freedom and independence; the enemy within who misuses our resources and the enemy without who claims to represent our collective voices. The enemies within act like Judas Iscariot without a conscience and because they lack consciences they are caught in their own game. We will not waste our time on them because truth never fails.
Our work has been to bring back integrity and sanity to our revolution. Our progress is painful but progressive. We are working mostly with Southern Cameroonians of goodwill and people of unquestionable integrity. The leaders of the Interim Government of Ambazonia (Southern Cameroons) have never had any engagements with La Republique du Cameroun in any form before the meeting regarding the United Nations Security Council resolution 2532. This resolution is in support of March 31 2020 call for a cessation of hostilities around the world as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
No member of any department of your Interim Government was asked during their services within the Interim Government to engage with La Republique du Cameroun. Let me state that Nick Santos has never officially represented the IG to engage with La Republique du Cameroun. We are bigger than name-calling, smear campaigns, blackmail and the defamation of the character of respectable Ambazonian citizens like our leaders in detention, Justice Ayah, Dr.Makongo, Dr Cho Ayaba, and John Mbah Akuroh etc when those within us cannot deliver what they were bought over to deliver to the enemy because of our steadfastness.
What we are experiencing now is a healthy sign that our revolution is moving in the right direction. The evil within is being exposed. It will help us to forge ahead with our quest for freedoms, liberties and above all a free independent Southern Cameroons. No energy should be wasted on those within who want to delay our quest to a free Southern Cameroons. They should listen to their consciences and do what is right. There is room for the prodigal son and the time is now.
I call on all Southern Cameroonians to stay focused. Let us spend time on the work at hand and deliver for our people as we cannot give evil a chance to prevail.
Thank You
Dabney Yerima
Vice President
Federal Republic of Ambazonia