2, May 2020
COVID-19: Cameroon’s absentee and alcohol-inflamed president ends fake lockdown 0
Cameroonians have been celebrating ever since the country’s absentee president, Paul Biya, terminated a fake lockdown he imposed some four weeks ago.
As per the false lockdown, Cameroonians could go about their daily businesses in the afternoon as if the virus was not around or could not attack anybody during the day, but must return home before 6pm.
They were not allowed to sit in their bars to share a drink, but could soak themselves in alcohol at home with their families.
For Mr. Biya, a disciple of Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, all life is predicated upon alcohol. He himself has been drinking for decades, passing off as a chemist to the point of ruining his health.
Cameroonians are currently committing suicide in their bars, with Mr. Biya and his corrupt and incompetent government officials watching from a distance the heartrending human tragedy that will reach its apogee in a fortnight.
Social distancing has been a huge part of the global health strategy aimed at overwhelming the Coronavirus that has left a trail of death and destruction across world.
Ending the lockdown is simply synonymous with making mincemeat of social distancing that has postponed death for many people across the globe.
With Mr. Biya declaring that Cameroonians can converge on many places and in large numbers, many health experts are already worried, with the World Health Organization (WHO) warning that a hasty termination of the ill-thought-out lockdown might trigger a storm of death and pain in many African countries, especially in Cameroon which is bereft of state-of-the-art health facilities that can cope with a tsunami of sick and desperate people.
Opening up an economy in the era of COVID-19 requires a risk adjustment approach to ensure that many people do not end up getting infected at the same time. This is unfortunately not the concern of the Yaounde government that is already staring down the barrel of an economic disaster.
Mr. Biya’s decision seems to be predicated upon fears that the country’s ailing economy could end up on a ventilator like most Coronavirus victims.
Many health experts have opined that the decision to urge Cameroonians to engage in their most favorite sport – drinking- is not based upon any known science.
Politics, the say, seems to be dictating things and this does not augur well for the elderly and other immune compromised individuals who might be killed by their own family members due to a government decree that cannot stand the test of sound scientific analysis.
A few days ago, Mr. Biya, the 87-year-old president, who has been hiding under his bed at the Unity Palace, signed another decree cancelling Labor Day and May 20 celebrations for fear of the Coronavirus which seems to have a bone to pick with old people, including Mr. Biya himself.
Many analysts are arguing that if it is too dangerous to celebrate May 20, which is the country’s national day, what therefore makes it safe to send millions of Cameroonians to bars and markets at a time when the virus is still illusive and very destructive.
If it is safe to send Cameroonians to bars, how come Cameroonian students are still being told to stay away from school? Students can sit in their classes with their masks, but revelers cannot wear masks while drinking.
Did the government take a look at all these details before sending its citizens to a place that could lead to mass infections?
With the lockdown over, sexual activities that have been on the decline, will now start rising again and the exchange of body fluids during bouts of sex could result in a resurgence of this virus that was still wreaking havoc in Cameroon before the decree to terminate the lockdown was issued.
Cameroon currently has a case count of more than 1,500, with more than 100 deaths. The country has not yet reached its peak, but the absentee and alcohol-inflammed president thinks that it is time to end the lockdown.
While Cameroonians have been celebrating their new found freedom to drink and even share the same bottles and glasses, they must understand that their destiny is in their hands as the government which is already cash-strapped is just seeking to guarantee that the breweries keep on paying taxes that will help sustain the corrupt and irresponsible government.
This is not the time to take our eyes off the ball. The virus is omnipresent and it has a huge appetite for recklessness people, especially those with underlying health issues.
Cameroonians must continue to comply with WHO guidelines to ensure that they do not transform their country into another USA that is currently grappling with huge case counts and large and scary numbers of death.
Cameroon lacks the health facilities and if the virus wants to punish the country for its recklessness, the toll will be unbearable.
By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai
10, May 2020
Federal Republic of Ambazonia: Vice President Yerima praises his one year in office 0
Dear Comrades, Fellow Ambazonians,
Happy mother’s day to all mothers for without you there is no Southern Cameroons, (Ambazonia)
I come tonight to address you on the one year anniversary of my appointment as the Vice President of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia. I know that the dark cloud of the malicious and unprovoked violence by the lawless and murderous troops of La Rebublique Camerounis now our daily concern. Over the last few weeks in Bafut and many times over the last three years, thousands of our people have been massacred by these state sponsored thugs from La Republique du Cameroun.Though we may be shaken by the scale, ruthlessness, unending nature of this violence, tonight I want Southern Cameroonians to know that we shall prevail.
By the time the people of Ambazonia entrusted me with the responsibility of VP this time last year, there were concerns and challenges in many areas of our revolution. Our task was to work diligently to gain your confidence. My responsibility has been to restore assurance and direction in our struggle. I have approached my tasks with humility and gratitude whilst very mindful of the trials ahead. To all our leaders serving life sentences in Yaoundé and all our prisoners of conscience in La Republique du Cameroun, our thoughts and prayers are with you. To all our fallen heroes, may The Almighty God grant you eternal rest. To all our refugees, IDPs and our people in the forests, I come to tell you that although the days and nights are dark and dreary, freedom shall come to pass.
Over the last twelve months, we worked meticulously to develop a framework of collaboration between the IG-CARE, the Consortium and AGovC across Ambazonia. This partnership has made significant gains in diplomacy, humanitarian activities and self-defence operations. Tonight, I intend to set a vision for the next twelve months. This vision is bold, ambitious and attainable. And to achieve this, we have transformed these visions into projects with short, middle and long term goals. Every Ambazonian of good faith is encouraged to participate in the realisation of these projects.As a government, our focus is on six critical sectors: Education, Defence, Diplomacy, Humanitarian, Finance and Communication.
Our children are the future of the country we are fighting for. The continuous abuse, rape and massacre of civilian population by the marauding lawless army of La Republique du Cameroun breeds insecurity in our communities. With this insecurity, we have had to look for alternative methods of schooling our children.My appreciation goes to those who have continued to provide education to our children both online and in community schools in the liberated areas of Ambazonia. Over the next twelve months;
The superior strength of the military power of La Republique du Cameroun is obvious.But after three years of fierce determination, our brave restoration forces are making us proud.We must now evaluate our strengths and challenges over the last three years. Our splendid restoration forces have registered successes in certain parts of our territory but have faced trials in many.Their bravery is absolute and admirable but we need to equip them to protect our communities with the right kind of firepower to match that of our oppressor. One of the biggest challenges we face is the presence of unscrupulous vigilante groups sponsored by La Republique du Cameroun’scriminal office-bearers. Our main goal must be to free our communities from these thugs, rapists and murderers. Over the next twelve months our goal is to;
The struggle for our independence will not be achieved through the barrel of the gun alone. We must continue to focus on diplomatic breakthroughs with friendly and sympathetic governments and international actors across the globe. Last year, we refused to engage in a La Republique du Cameroun stunt in Switzerland and our decision was later vindicated.We call upon France, the chief sponsor of this murderous regime to take concrete steps to end the genocide that is being committed on our people. The people of La Republique du Cameroun must understand that we intend to live peacefully as neighbours after our independence but our freedom is non-negotiable.
During my first twelve months, we worked diligently with some members of the Switzerland parliament to get Paul Biya indicted for war crimes and declare him persona non grata to Geneva. Last year, we worked actively to rewrite a bill in the US Congress, house resolution 358, to condemn La Republique du Cameroun for its human rights violations in our country. I am happy to announce the resumption of work at the US Senate on Monday May, 4, 2020. There is a bill pending in the US senate on the war La Republique du Cameroun is waging against our people. Ambazonian Advocacy groups are continuing a 50 states mobilization strategy, for senators to support the bill. So, we are calling on all Ambazonians in the United States who have not yet been active in this campaign for Senate resolution 292 to please contact us, so we can connect them to the people in their communities facilitating this campaign.This bill, if passed will set the stage for far more consequential actions by the US government against the genocidal regime of La Republique du Cameroun. We have on-going strategic engagements with political parties and civil society movements in a number of countries. Over the next twelve months, we are putting a plan to:
During the last three years, the state sponsored terrorists passing for the military of La Republique du Cameroun have burned down more than 320 of our villages. The enormity of the humanitarian crisis as a result of the war in our nation is particularly alarming. Over the last twelve months, we made significant progress with the delivery of medications and other essentials to our prisoners of conscience, refugees and IDPs. On behalf of the people of Ambazonia, we want to say special thanks to HSS, Mama Amba Initiative, MAWUH Global, SCEW, SCAWOL, Save the Community, and others for their humanitarian works in our struggle.As IG-CARE, our progress in this essential department has been challenging but encouraging. I’m happy to announce that due to some of the work from our humanitarian heroes, ten of our refugees will be graduating soon as fashion designers. With more than 1,000,000 IDPs, 100,000 refugees, over the next twelve months, we intend to;
Despite the many challenges we faced last year, two significant successes from the Department of Economy and Finance was the creation of the Bank of Ambazonia and the launching of the Amba Freedom Bonds Project. As a semi-autonomous institution managed by a governor and a board with representation from all counties, the BOA has transparently raised and distributed funds for projects across Ambazonia. Its growth has maintained an upwards and impressive trajectory since creation. My gratitude goes to the Governor and the board of the BOA for their ingenuity and dynamism. Thanks to those who have invested in Amba Freedom Bonds thus far, we have dramatically increased our support to our restoration forces and other vital projects. All our projects need funding and I implore all Ambazonians to invest in the Amba Freedom Bonds project. Over the next twelve months, the experts within the funding environment have recommended and put together asustainable plan for our revolution. The plan includes but not limited to;
The importance of communication cannot be overemphasized. An effective communication strategy is as potent as the bullets on ground zero. We are fighting a ruthless enemy and international conspirators, and this will require an aggressive communication strategy to counter the negative narrative against our fight to complete the decolonization of Southern Cameroons. We must not allow others to tell and twist our story. We will not accept France or La Republique du Cameroun to tell us who we are or what we must be. We speak for ourselves and make our choices. Human rights organisations report one out of every hundred incidents of coldblooded massacre of our people. We must reject such cheapening of the lives of our people.We must define our own narrative and our internal communication remains a priority. SCBC TV which has been a pillar of this revolution was off air for a significant part of this last twelve months. This absence impacted negatively on our duty to educate our people on the facts of our revolution. We are all pleased that we have this station back on air doing its revolutionary duties. We have put in place a plan to:
Fellow Ambazonians, ours is one of the fastest growing displacement disasters in Africa due to the unruliness and indiscriminate murder of our people by the La Republique du Cameroun army. In the middle of a war, the United Nations in collaboration with our oppressors announced last week a phoney reconstruction program for our country. We believe this is another ill-advised and unworkable proposal to end this bloodshed. We call on the United Nations Security Council to pass an immediate resolution mandating a UN Independent Fact-finding Mission to investigate the alleged crimes committedby La Republique du Cameroun military and administrators in our territory. The La Republiquedu Camerounregime cannot be trusted to investigate itself as it demonstrated in its dishonourable report on the Ngarbuh massacre. We believe that a UN mandated Independent Fact-finding Mission will have the immediate effect of quelling violence, saving lives, and halting the burning of our villages by raiding La Republique du Cameroun army.
Fellow comrades, we face a lawless and brutal enemy that is being sustained by the biggest institutions and richest countries in the world. This neo-colonial regime has widened its national debt with astronomical borrowing and reckless military spending over the last three years. They have borrowed and continue to do so to exterminate our people. The way to stop this massacre is within our reach. We need to make a choice now; a choice to fight for our survival or we perish.
To all those now in Ambazonia, the refugee camps and all our IDPs, we have stood up for freedom and the cost is dear. But I have no doubt that if we muster our efforts collectively as a people, victory will be ours against all odds.We should not be discouraged and disheartened. Do we want freedom? If the answer is yes, then go out with confidence and persuade your friends and family members that a liberation war is worth it.No one can say for sure how much more suffering we will be subjected to by this murderous regime. But we must continue forward and keep our eyes on the prize. Freedom! We definitely shall not accept a return to the status quo, nor accept anything less than total independence.
In my first address to you twelve months ago, I called for the unconditional release of our President, SisikuAyukTabe and his leadership team abducted in Nigeria on the 5th of January 2018 and detained unlawfully in Yaoundé. I’ll make that call again today for the immediate and unconditional release of all Ambazonian prisoners of conscience detained by the La Republique du Cameroun regime.
We stand at the crossroads of history. All Ambazonians living at this moment have an incredible historical burden. In our hands lies the possibility for our people to break free once and for all, from oppression to a new dawn of freedom and independence.
Yet our freedom as a people has never been so close. If we confront this challenge of our time, I have no doubt we shall prevail.
Thank you and God bless you.
God Bless Ambazonia
This time,it shall Be Independence or Resistance Forever