13, March 2019
Cameroon: Can the mess ever stop? 0
For more than three decades, Cameroon has made the headlines for corruption and each time a senior official is arrested, the public feels that things will get better. But for three decades now, things have moved from better to worse with the future looking really bleak.
Way back in the mid-80s, only very few people were known to have stolen state funds and this did not look like an epidemic. In 1986, two years after the country’s President, Paul Biya, came to power, there were rumors of senior officials of his government stealing state funds. He promptly organized an interview with CRTV, the country’s national network, to dispel such rumors.
In his interview, he asked for proof and many Cameroonians were displeased with his statement on national TV. Many Cameroonians thought that it was incumbent upon the government to investigate any allegations instead of asking ordinary citizens to bring any evidence in their keeping.
The business of embezzling money is very sophisticated for an ordinary man to understand and it is only the government with its vast resources that can get to the bottom of things if it really wants to know the truth in a country like Cameroon.
But the truth did not take time to come out. No sooner had the president challenged the population than the very first managing director of CRTV, Elie Florent Etouga, absconded with the corporation’s budget. This was a sign that things were not as tidy as the president had portrayed in his interview. He later came on TV to acknowledge that some of his collaborators had stolen state money and were living out of the country.
This announcement was not only an indictment of Mr. Biya’s government, but a clear indication that the president was blissfully unaware of what was happening around him. Indeed, his statement in defense of his collaborators only served as the opening of the floodgates. After Mr. Elie Florent Etouga, Mr. Messi Messi, a managing director of a popular government financial institution, also fled the country with huge amounts of money in the early 90s as Cameroonians started demonstrating for multiparty politics and as things looked like Mr. Biya was losing his grip on power.
Mr. Messi Messi later alleged that the financial institution had been ruined by Mr. Biya’s wife and her family who constantly showed up at his office with bits of paper to collect money at the behest of the president’s wife. From that date, Cameroon made its way into the spotlight for the embezzling prowess of its government officials.
The last two decades have seen hundreds of Cameroon government officials being sent to jail for embezzlement. Even a Prime Minister, Ephraim Inoni, is also languishing in jail for dipping his hands into the government’s coffers. Cameroonians now joke that there is an entire government in jail and that the only vacancy in the country’s maximum security prison, Kondengui, is the post of president.
This implies that Cameroonians are looking forward to the day Mr. Biya will be taken to jail for presiding over a corrupt system. Cameroonians are at a loss for words. They argue that much of the embezzlement cannot be occurring without the president’s knowledge. They point to the fact that most of those in prison are people who are from the president’s ethnic group or region, arguing that there should have been a well-defined background check system to ensure that the public service does not get filled with criminals.
The public has been calling for a computerization of the system to ensure that a few people do not have absolute control over state funds, but these pleas have fallen on deaf ears and the looting of the system has continued unchecked. The embezzlement of state funds has not only hurt the president’s reputation as a leader, it has also hurt the economy.
Stealing state money has become a favorite sport among Cameroonians. Most Cameroonian civil servants, especially customs officials, tax inspectors, and heads of national corporations are clearly living well beyond their means and most of them have their children out of the country, mostly in Western countries where the stolen money is safely kept.
But this week, the country has been asking if the country’s economy will ever recover following the arrest of a former minister of defense, Alain Edgar Mebe Ngo’o, for the embezzlement of billions of taxpayers’ money. Pictures of the former minister’s mansion have been trending online and many Cameroonians are shocked at the display of opulence by Mr. Biya’s ministers.
Mr. Mebe Ngo’o’s case seems to be the worst in the country’s history. His wife, children and nephews are all involved and the list of his assets has left many Cameroonians wondering if this will ever stop. For more than three decades, the country’s government has been conducting itself like a crime syndicate and many members of the president’s ruling party are considered as Mafia kingpins who hold that they are above the law.
While the country is bleeding money and jobs, many members of the country’s ruling party have become very rich. The country’s economy is in a free fall and if something is not done, it will collapse and many lives will be exposed to hardship and death. The corruption has become all pervasive and it has now reached other sectors of the economy.
Schools, banks and hospitals have not been spared by this cancer that is tearing the country apart. The country’s hospitals have been ruined by corruption and most of them are more of consultation clinics. The country’s death rate has risen and it is even unsettling to know that medical doctors are more interested in money than in the health of their patients.
Regarding the financial sector, it could be said that it too has been hit hard by corruption as a result of what is happening in government circles. Late last year, the Central African Banking Commission (Cobac) issued sanctions on Cameroonian bank managers for various acts of corruption. This followed its September 22, 2018, meeting, the conclusions of which were published by Abbas Mahamat Tolli, the commission’s Chairman and Governor of BEAC.
The concerned managers reportedly violated exchange regulations and did not comply with prudential standards. Those affected by that decision included Alphonse Nafack, MD of Afriland First Bank; Isong Udom of United Bank for Africa; Gwendoline Nzo-Nguty Abunaw of Ecobank Cameroon; Waidi Loukoumanou of BGFIBank Cameroon as well as André Alexis Megudju, Managing Director of Crédit communautaire d’Afrique, a former microfinance institution that received Cobac’s banking accreditation in March 2017.
Furthermore, Cobac also examined seven financial institutions accused of non-compliance with banking regulations, lack of internal control and money laundering, among others. According to the regulator, these institutions have freed themselves from the rules governing the foreign exchange market.
This is the story of a country that has made corruption its hallmark. The story of Cameroon’s corruption is one that will continue for a long time, as long as the government does not find anything wrong with its ways. Corruption has blighted many lives. Many young Cameroonians are unemployed and millions are looking outwards for opportunities in distant lands. Today, it is normal for young Cameroonians to hold that their country has no plans for them and this is causing the country to lose many talented people. The brain drain has reached alarming proportions and it will be difficult for the government to reverse this unfortunate trend.
By Kingsley Betek and Linda Embi
25, March 2019
The AGC, the Audit Report and the Dublin Declaration: What the timing reveal 0
Cameroon Concord News Group has persistently warned Southern Cameroonians in ground zero and in the diaspora that Cho Ayaba and his AGC recently rebranded AgovC constitute a serious threat to the Southern Cameroons liberation quest. His every action in the struggle justifies this. His most recent actions among many elevates this warning to an emergency.
The so-called Dublin Declaration calling for armed attacks in French Cameroun and the persistent call by Cho Ayaba and his surrogates for the release of the audit report conducted on the orders of the Interim Government are matters which Ambazonians in ground zero and in the diaspora must consider with great suspicion. These actions are intended to help the enemy. They are not intended to contribute to the self-defence efforts for the liberation of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia from the terrorist genocide war of French Cameroun.
Cameroon Concord News Group strongly urges the Restoration Council of the Interim Government of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia for the purposes of mitigating the damage intended by Cho Ayaba, to withhold the public release of the audit report that was submitted recently by the Interim President Samuel Sako. The Interim Government should distance itself from the Dublin Declaration and the planned attacks against targets in French Cameroun.
Attacking targets in French Cameroun may be used to transpose French Cameroun teleguided attacks, the actions of Boko Haram, French Cameroun opposition and insider attacks as attacks by the liberation forces of Ambazonia. Atanga Nji and the criminal government of French Cameroun, will organize targeted attacks against French Cameroun civilian population, protected settlements such as schools, palaces, markets, museums and hospitals and blame on the restoration forces. All they needed was this public announcement by Cho Ayaba that the attacks will be carried out by Southern Cameroons liberation forces under his command. Whether he in fact carries out the attacks will not matter. They just need this announcement to do the rest in order to criminalise all our restoration forces and inviting the international community to characterise them as terrorists, which they are not, French Cameroun has an extraordinary propaganda capacity by themselves and their lobbies abroad to rely on the Dublin Declaration to mount this campaign. Cho Ayaba will not be targeted as indeed he has not been targeted at any time by French Cameroun and its agents, even though his actions have been acted upon by French Cameroun to target many who are in the diaspora legitimately exercising their protected rights to mount a defence of their ancestral fatherland, their civilian population and their freedom afforded by international law.
A key strategy by French Cameroun in the war of genocide against Southern Cameroons is the targeting of the civilian population and foreigners within the territory of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia. This strategy has backfired partly because the United States whose forces are in North French Cameroun supporting the multinational force against Boko Haram has through its independent intelligence gathering capability monitored the crimes committed by French Cameroun terrorist forces against Ambazonians and foreigners among whom are missionaries. Providing a public open cheque admitting in advance crimes committed within the enemy scheme to criminalize the legitimate war of self-defence by the restoration forces of Ambazonia is indeed reckless. Lest we forget, French Cameroun is a territory where the multinational forces are conducting legitimate internationally sanctioned military operations against Boko Haram and international terrorism. Interjecting into the Ambazonia liberation struggle within this sphere, will bring negative focus on the Ambazonia armed struggle. It ill subsumes the Ambazonia liberation struggle into a French Cameroun internal security problem rather than and Ambazonia problem which is an international problem for which there is overwhelming international support for all-inclusive negotiation without pre-conditions with international participation. The Dublin Declaration aims at changing the nature of the conflict. Who stands to gain with the new factor and dynamic introduced by Cho Ayaba? The answer is that the enemy stands to gain. As if the killing of the military commanders of Ambazonia defence units fighting against the enemy French Cameroun terrorist forces is not enough, Cho Ayaba wants to provide the enemy with a defence which it sought unsuccessfully to make through the Bangorain staged attacked.
While in warfare, taking out enemy operational, support, strategic and tactical command capability, even in its own territory may be legitimate. But then these are often done in covert operations. This is not what Ayaba intends to do with his Dublin Declaration. Making this public as Cho Ayaba has done is wholly intended to propagate the strategy which the enemy is relying on him to subvert the legitimate self-defence liberation efforts of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia.The enemy strategy through Ayaba is unfolding in through the Dublin Declaration.
Also, Ayaba and his surrogates over the past several months embarked on a social media campaign of blackmail to force the IG to release a legitimate audit that was conducted furtherance to the Ambazonia quest for accountability. The clear intention by Cho Ayaba and his surrogates was to ride on the popular request for accountability made in good faith by Cameroon Concord News Group and a sizeable component of the Ambazonia people in furtherance of the accountability quest. Cameroon Concord News Group wants to place it on record, that the aims of Cho Ayaba and reneged forces in seeking the release of the audit now is not for the public good. He and his surrogates never recognized the IG and never contributed to the treasury whose audit they are requesting. His intentions on the release of the budget report, the so-called Dublin Declaration judged against his destabilizing actions in ground zero, as a matter of urgency, strongly call for the audit report not be released now. That will not be in the public good nor that of the liberation war of self- defence. He and renegade forces will use it to undermine the self-defence war efforts, the county by county and local government by local government defence strategy and discourage diaspora, ground zero and international support for our refugees, our internally displaced and our ground zero self-defence operations.
The timing of the Dublin Declaration and the seeking of the release of the audit report to discredit the IG no matter how sincere and forthright the audit report may be, at a time when international action is closing in on French Cameroun is highly suspicious. Coming at a time when every lie told by French Cameroun against the restoration forces of Ambazonia have been exposed, the public declaration through the so-called Dublin Declaration and attempts to blackmail and weaken the IG are a welcome relief to French Cameroun criminal government and its terrorist armed forces. This strategic change of policy that benefits the enemy must be opposed vigorously.
The question which must be asked is why now? Why now when the international community is putting the required pressure on French Cameroun sinking crime syndicate? Why validate the abduction and extermination of thousands of internally displaced Ambazonians seeking refuge within vulnerable French Cameroun civilian areas who will be falsely accused for the actions of Ayaba, Atanga Nji and members of the crime syndicate? Why now that French Cameroun has failed to paint the restoration forces as terrorists and has been forced to call Ambazonia liberators simply as separatists, a tacit recognition of the liberation rationale for the self-defence war of independence? Why now, when Ayaba has a legitimate option to attack and take out the occupation war loot of French Cameroun within the territory of Ambazonia and has failed to do instead resorting to kidnapping and taking ransoms or killing liberation forces and commanders in ground zero?
Over the past fifty-seven years, French Cameroun and its colonial administrators, military commanders and politicians through extortion, claimed Ambazonia prized lands, farms, natural resources and built mansions and businesses in every county of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia. Why not join the rest of the restoration forces to take out the stolen resources, investments and wealth and weaken the enemy rather than stretch limited war resources to attack targets in French Cameroun when the resources of colonial rule are within Ambazonia?
The problem with Ayaba and other renegade forces within Ambazonia is greed. Prior to this stage of the revolution the struggle stagnated because rather than mobilizing the diaspora resources to liberate Ambazonia, Cho Ayaba and many others who are opposed to new ideas and leaders in the liberation struggle exploited them for personal gain. This is one reason why the same diaspora who were exploited through the asylum process have rejected these same so-called front-line leaders exploiting the self-defence struggle for personal gain.
Most Ambazonians agree with Cameroon Concord News Group that a cancer that has afflicted the struggle for many years was the commercialisation of the struggle for pecuniary interest through the asylum process, even though most Ambazonians who fled the homeland had legitimate fears of persecution and harm to their precious lives. For his more than two decades in Europe, Cho Ayaba sustained himself on exploiting the asylum vulnerabilities of Ambazonia victims fleeing from the murderous colonial rule of French Cameroun. This cancer ran so deep in many of the so-called frontline leaders of the Ambazonia independence struggle to the extent that with the advent of a new dawn of the Ambazonia popular revolution, they have vigorously resisted the emergence of the new leadership outside the cancerous cartel as a threat to their pecuniary interests. The time to shred pecuniary interests to unite to confront a common enemy is now.
Cameroon Concord News Group called out to Acting Interim President Samuel Sako to step-down due to what Cameroon Concord News Group identified as his ineffective leadership in some areas. That call was not intended to be abused or misinterpreted to support a misdirected campaign to subvert the cause. It was done in good faith. Cameroon Concord News Group called for full accountability of the IG for the purpose of public interest. That action is expected by all democratic governments. Ambazonians have a culture of accountability which that call echoed. Cameroon Concord News Group is pleased that its call and that of many Ambazonians was heeded to and an audit was conducted as the IG promised. Cameroon Concord News Group hopes that this audit should be a first step to reforming the IG and the restoration council for the purpose of strengthening it to carry out urgent ground zero operations, protection and sustaining our refugee population and diplomatic initiatives.
Cameroon Concord News Group is strongly opposed to renegade forces and French Cameroun riding on these citizen requests for an audit to harm the cause. Classified information of an operational and diplomatic nature should not be provided to hostile forces through an unrestrained public disclosure of the audit report now. Cameroon Concord News Group also urges Ambazonians and friends of Ambazonians worldwide to reject and distance themselves from the announced Dublin Declaration which plays into the enemy strategy. The Dublin Declaration and pressure to release the audit report to the public now are aimed at feeding the enemy with the ammunitions to delegitimize the Ambazonia war of liberation and subvert international support and efforts to protect and free Ambazonia. It undermines worldwide campaigns to hold the crime syndicate in French Cameroun to account in an international criminal court and targeted sanctions. Cameroon Concord News Group calls on Ambazonians to choose their priorities and timing wisely and to build on the many diplomatic and ground zero successes to expedite the movement to Buea and a free homeland. For this to occur, Ambazonians should rise to the occasion and contribute massively to match their comment to the unfolding international and ground zero response to their just cause. Let all remember that timing in every revolution is crucial to positive outcomes. The time is now to make the final push.
By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai