9, July 2016
Cameroon: Beggars abandoned streets following adoption of new penal code 0
Beggars in Yaounde have abandoned the streets following the adoption of a penal code on begging, which promises sanctions to those guilty of aggravated begging. The article on begging stipulates that anyone who has a means of subsistence but begs to earn a living will be liable to a prison sentence of up to three years and a fine of up to 500.000 CFAF.
In the same guise, people who use visually impaired persons to beg shall be charged with aggravated begging. Following the adoption of this article, beggars seemed to have deserted the streets of Yaounde, for fear of the above mentioned sanctions.
Inhabitants of Yaounde have hailed the article saying it will help rid the streets of criminals who pose for people in distress.
9, July 2016
Transport Minister installs newly appointed officials 0
Seven newly appointed officials at the Ministry of Transport have been commissioned into their various functions. The Installation ceremony that held on Friday the 8th of July 2016 was supervised by the Minister of Transport, Edgar Alain Mebe Ngo’o.
The Biya acolyte said during the event that assiduity should be the watch word if production must increase. Edgar Alain Mebe Ngo’o congratulated the seven for the great efforts they made to win the confidence of the Cameroon government.
Among the newly appointed officials were directors and chiefs of service, in charge of the Ministry’s budget, road and Maritime transport, Rail way lines, the National Meteorology and the Communication service.
They are expected to ameliorate the Urban Transport and road security, investigate accidents and incidents in the aeronautic services, rehabilitate the meteorological network system, reinforce public information and restructure the Chantier Naval Industry in Cameroon. They were appointed based on Presidential decree No2016/2568/PM of 4th July 2016.