18, October 2016
Trump says large-scale voter fraud is underway in America 0
US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has repeated his assertion that the 2016 election is rigged, saying a “large-scale voter fraud” is taking place. Over the last week, Trump has intensified his criticism of the American electoral system. He called the election process rigged, and said the media is colluding with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton in order to beat him.
On Monday, Trump called his party leaders naive for denying the vote rigging. “Of course there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before Election Day,” the GOP nominee tweeted. “Why do Republican leaders deny what is going on? So naive!” he added.
Many Republicans, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, have rejected Trump’s claims, saying such voter fraud is impossible for the November election. They have warned that such allegations could cause unrest.
The White House also denounced Trump’s claim that the presidential election could be “rigged” against him. “Not at all,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest said on Monday when asked whether the Obama administration is concerned the election could be stolen from the Republican nominee.
“The president is very confident in election officials in both parties in states all across the country” to ensure the elections are “conducted freely and fairly,” the spokesman said.

A day earlier, Trump strongly questioned the legitimacy of the US elections, saying that he believed the vote was already being “rigged” at many polling places.
“The election is absolutely being rigged by the dishonest and distorted media pushing Crooked Hillary – but also at many polling places – SAD,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Sunday.
According to a new poll released on Monday, 41 percent of American voters are now saying the 2016 presidential election could be “stolen” from Trump due to widespread voter fraud.
And 73 percent of Republican voters think the election could be stolen from the billionaire businessman, while 17 percent of Democrats agree with the prospect of rigging.
18, October 2016
Austria: Adolf Hitler’s birth house to be demolish 0
The Austrian government says the house where Adolf Hitler was born is to be torn down to stop it from becoming a shrine for neo-Nazis. The mansion will be replaced with a new building that has no association with the Nazi dictator and used by either a charity or the local authorities, according to Interior Minister Wolfgang Sobotka. The property has been empty since 2011 amid a government order for the compulsory purchase of the building in a town on the border with Germany, and a dispute with its owner.
The government this year launched formal legal procedures to dispossess the home’s owner after she had repeatedly refused to sell the building. Now a committee of experts including historians, officials and the head of Austria’s main Jewish organization has recommended that a “thorough architectural rearrangement” be carried out.
The plan still has to be formalized in legislation and voted on in parliament. Austria, which was annexed by Hitler’s Germany in 1938, has confronted its Nazi past far less directly than its larger neighbour. The controversial building draws Nazi sympathizers from around the world, visiting and posing in front of the house with the Hitler salute.
The street where the house is located also witnesses anti-fascist protests annually where demonstrators organize rallies outside the building. The news prompted some residents to call for a refugee centre to be built in place of the building amid an unprecedented influx of refugees fleeing conflict-ridden zones in Africa and the Middle East.