25, September 2016
Donald Trump campaign plans to spend 140 million dollars on political advertising 0
The campaign of US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is planning to spend $140 million on political advertising in the country’s major media to run until the November 8 Election Day. Trump’s communications director Jason Miller announced on Saturday that the hefty figure would include $100 million in television airtime and $40 million in online political ads, the Associated Press reported.
The plan represents a new approach for the billionaire businessman, who has repeatedly boasted in recent weeks about how much less he has spent than his Democratic rival, Hillary Clinton, and seemed to greatly rely on free media coverage of his large rallies. This is while the campaign of the wealthy Republican presidential hopeful ended August with just $50 million in cash on hand, according to official filings with the nation’s Federal Election Commission.
According to Kantar Media’s political advertising tally, the business mogul has only spent $22 million on TV and radio ads during the general election, while the campaign of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has so far spent $124 million on political advertisements. Miller said the new political ad purchases will be devoted to 13 battleground states, including Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maine, New Mexico and Wisconsin.
The sum equates to nearly $16.7 million in TV ads per week, while Clinton’s campaign is intent on spending $11 million per week, with the option to purchasing more at any time. Trump, meanwhile, has continued to experience strong fundraising online in September, the report added citing campaign aides. Miller further stated that upcoming national television ads would focus on Trump’s key campaign themes, such as the economy and law and order.
25, September 2016
OPEC: Algeria to host extraordinary meeting to discuss latest market situation 0
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and non-OPEC producers will be holding an extraordinary meeting to discuss the latest market situation in Algeria. The key focus of the meeting will be a proposal by Saudi Arabia for producers to keep their oil output at January levels – what Riyadh believes will help stabilize the prices in markets.
Iran has so far rejected the call to freeze its output as unfair and emphasized that it will go ahead with its plans to increase its oil production. Nevertheless, it had made it clear that it is ready to join the plan after its output reaches 4 barrels per day.
The country had been under multiple years of sanctions that limited its oil exports to 1 million barrels per day and also barred foreign investments in its oil industry. The sanctions were lifted in January after a nuclear deal that Iran had reached with the so-called P5+1 group of countries – the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany – came into effect.
Reuters reported on Friday that Saudi Arabia has informed Tehran that it is ready to reduce its oil output provided that Iran agrees to cap its own output at its current level of 3.6 million mb/d over the remaining months to the end of 2016.