31, May 2019
Yaounde declares polio public emergency after 4-year absence 0
Cameroon has declared a public emergency after reporting a polio case in its far north, four years after the virus disappeared from the country, the health ministry said on Thursday.
The confirmed case of polio type 2 was found in the Mada area in the remote north bordering Chad and Nigeria, the ministry said in a statement.
It declared a “new polio epidemic following the confirmation of a case of poliovirus type 2 detected in samples.”
A source at the ministry said the outbreak may have been caused in part by a refusal of vaccinations and the cross-border movement of people in the area.
Polio is a highly infectious viral disease which mainly affects young children and can result in permanent paralysis. There is no cure and it can only be prevented through immunisation.
International polio vaccination efforts have run into problems in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Militants and religious leaders in rural areas often tell locals immunisation is part of a shadowy conspiracy to weaken their faith.
Source: AFP
12, June 2019
Four-year-old has dozens of ‘writhing’ worms removed from intestines in Cameroon 0
A four-year-old boy with a history of stomach pain, vomiting and abdominal distension eventually landed on the operating table where surgeons manually removed dozens of “writhing” worms that had been living in his intestines.
The boy, who was not named in the case report but was said to live in Cameroon, West Africa, had no history of deworming since birth, which is typically a common practice in that region, Fox News reports.
The youngster’s mum had taken him to hospital after three days of stomach pain, vomiting and severe constipation.
He had also experienced bloating for around six months, according to an article published in the Journal of Medical Case Reports. After being admitted, doctors carried out a number of tests and diagnosed the boy with ascariasis — a parasitic worm infection in the small intestine.
Doctors manually removed dozens of worms living in the stomach of a four-year-old.
“Ascariasis is the leading helminthic infection worldwide, with its peak prevalence noticed in children aged 2-10 years,” the authors wrote in the shocking article, which was published on May 24. “Although mainly asymptomatic, chronic and heavy infestation could lead to severe complications such as malnutrition, poor physical and cognitive development as well as intestinal obstruction.”
Upon examination, the boy’s doctors recognised a small bowel obstruction, which prompted them to make a 2cm cut. Surgeons then removed “bundles of ascaris lumbricoides worms” manually and “by milking through the stoma”.
The boy was given nutrients to rehydrate him and administered with paracetamol intravenously before doctors could operate.
Three days after being admitted, surgeons discovered his bowels were blocked by a “mass of writhing worms”.
An estimated 807 million to 1.2 billion people in the world are infected with ascaris lumbricoides — parasitic worms known as soil-transmitted helminths, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The parasites live in the intestine, and eggs are passed in the faeces of infected people. If an infected person defecates outside, or if the faeces of an infected person are used in fertiliser, eggs are deposited on the soil. The eggs can then mature into a form of the parasite that is infective.
The shocking find was recorded recently in the Journal of Medical Case Reports.
Infection can occur when hands or fingers that have contaminated dirt on them are put in the mouth or by consuming vegetables or fruits that have not been carefully cooked, washed or peeled, according to the CDC. Heavy infections cause intestinal blockage and may impair growth in children. Other symptoms may present as a cough due to the migration of the worms through the body. It can be treated with medication, but in the boy’s case, surgeons decided to operate.
After the surgery, doctors dewormed the boy and his family members with an oral dose of mebendazole, and he was released after seven days. One week later, surgeons recorded his wounds had healed.
The authors noted that the boy’s case points to a larger public health issue in Cameroon, where deworming programs are affected by lack of funding and access in high-risk areas.
Source: News.Com