12, October 2016
X-Maleya to tour the USA in October 0
X-Maleya has announced a series of concerts to mark the group’s ten years of existence. Cameroon Concord News learned that the trio: Roger, Auguste and Haïs, popularly known as X-Maleya will be touring the United States of America in what has been dubbed “USA Dream Tour”.
X-Maleya recorded huge success in Europe including their victory tour of Germany and Olympia-Paris in 2014. The US X-Maleya tour is expected to last for a month. The “boy band” will float the Cameroonian flag in Uncle Sam and their first stop is scheduled for October 16 at Fillmore Silver Spring, in the State of Maryland. After Silver Spring, the group will jet to Preston Bradley Centre in Chicago on 22 October.
A spokesman for the group recently observed that the conquest of the United States is a new challenge and preparations have taken a serious dimension as regards to synchronization of choreography and development of the directory.
The main ten years ritual will be performed in Cameroon in December although the date has not been disclosed. For the record, X-Maleya came to the lime light in 2006 through the Exile album. Since then, they have not disappeared from the music scene. The small group has made a name in Africa, Europe and are now heading to the US. They have five albums to their credit.
By Rita Akana with files from Cameroon Tribune
12, October 2016
New dress code for Yaounde University II students 0
The Rector of the University of Yaounde II, Soa, Ibrahima Adamou has prescribed a new dress code for students in the university. The prescription is contained in a communiqué signed in September 2016.
Accordingly, the Rector prohibits indecent dressing, unnecessary piercings, excessive adorning with jewellery and extravagant hairdos. Both boys and girls on campus are exhorted to abide by these prescriptions which require that student tone down their general external looks.
In this light, short dresses above knee level, tight-fitting clothes, sleeveless tops, irregular hair colours and styles, extra-high shoes, slippers, earrings (for boys), caps and anklets, amongst others are prohibited on campus. The Rector of the University argues that the decision is intended uphold decency, virtuous behaviour and the respect of ethics in the University.
If the Rector’s instructions are heeded to, the University of Yaounde II, Soa will measure up with most professional schools where the administration has succeeded in keeping a keen eye on decency.