2, August 2016
Seeking for notice: Douala based NGO crowns President Biya “Most Loved Politician” 0
President Paul Biya has been crowned “Most loved politician” among four other politicians in the country. Meanwhile, First Lady Chantal Biya was crowned “Most enterprising woman of action” among four other women. They were awarded the “Most Patriotic Excellence Award” at a ceremony in the headquarters of the “Roi de la Ferraille Koloko Levis-Claude” Foundation in Bonaberi, Douala, on July 30, 2016.
Immediately following the presidential couple were the SDF Vice Chairman, Joshua Osih, President of the Cameroon National Salvation Front, Issa Tchiroma Bakary, former Minister and President of MRC party, Maurice Kamto, Banda Kani as well as Elimbi Lobe, for the “Most loved politician” category. Libom li Likeng Minette, Courtès Ketcha, Caroline Ngo Banseck and Jacqueline Mbarga, won the “Most enterprising woman of action” prize.
The award follows several months of voting by television viewers on Dan Broadcasting Corporation, DBS TV and further research by the “Roi de la Ferraille Koloko Levis-Claude” Foundation. Speaking at the event in Bonaberi, Douala, Hubert Etoundi, DBS General Manager and promoter of the award, said it reflects the views of the people confirmed through intense research.
“It is very necessary to recognise these people for their patience, stamina, peace, etc. They contribute to the peace and development of the nation,” he underscored. Some 45 other people received awards in the categories for economic-political patriotism, patriotic investors, living together and petty trades. The presidential couple, like some of the recipients, was not present. Those who were present either in person or represented did receive their awards.
Cameroon Tribune
3, August 2016
32 fake universities closed in UK amid concerns students being sold invalid degrees 0
More than 30 fake universities have been closed in the United Kingdom over the past year amid growing concerns about students being sold invalid degrees. According to a study published on Tuesday, a watchdog organization that monitors fake university degrees in the UK, known as Hedd (Higher Education Degree Datacheck), identified a total of 62 bogus institutions in 2015, with 32 of them being shut down by law enforcement and trading standards agencies, the Guardian reported.
Of the 32 fake institutions closed, 25 were based overseas, said Jayne Rowley, the director of Hedd. “All the ones that were shut down were completely bogus,” she said,describing the universities as “completely fake sites that talk of campuses of students when there’s literally nothing there at all.”
Since 2011, 220 bogus UK universities have been identified and 80 percent of them are no longer active, Rowley noted. Degree fraud has turned into a serious problem in the UK over the past years with recent evidence showing an increase in the number of universities offering fake degree certificates.
“With the onset of the internet and distance learning, degree fraud is a borderless crime and we must collaborate with agencies around the world to deal with it,” Rowley said. “An awful lot of fraud goes undetected, but we also need to get people thinking more about prevention,” she concluded.