5, June 2016
The Whispers 0
Oh the myths
Anarchist creed
In birthing
Some complexity
The sword of Damycles
Stealing power
For anxiety
Death and killings
Oh the impending doom
Facing the throne
The hanging sword
The head
The risk and anger
Doors shut
Isolation and bullying
Robespierre’s chambers
Self loathing king
Empty judiciary
The jokish legislative
Injustice and terrorism
Victims victimization
The innocents
The people
The land and
The fallen out of grace
Someday, just maybe someday
Comes now a visionary
‘by and through
Undersigned counsel
And files a true motion
For custody
Reasonable visitation
Pursuant of Cameroon law code
As for my motions states as follows
Wherefore to
Defendant stole
He killed
He abused
He emperor zed
Oh the times
There is dancing
In the streets
In the homes
In the schools
Even babies unborn
Are celebrating
In their mothers womb
The end and the beginning
Oh peaceful silent noise
The whipers
Tears of joy
Songs of freedom
Hopeful promises
Dancing at liberty square
In praise and memory
Of the ultimate sacrifices
The precious blood
Of liberty
Of patriotism
Of peaceful resistance
Yet still
The Whispers
Of the cleansing
Calcutta Calcutta they shouted
But the land is forgiving
The people are forgiving
By Christmas Ebini
6, June 2016
Marole Tchamba in US 0
The Bend Skin star will this Saturday begin a tour of the USA starting from Silver Spring, Maryland!!