7, November 2021
Researcher in Cameroon develops plant-based leukemia treatment 0
Hundreds of thousands of people suffer from leukemia in all parts of the world, and many ultimately lose their fight against the disease. While there is currently no cure for leukemia, it is possible to treat the cancer to prevent it from coming back.
A biochemistry researcher at the University of Yaounde Medical School in Cameroon’s capital said she developed a plant-based solution to fight leukemia.
“My solution is to make xenografts by administering an aqueous extract of plant bark powder to mice capable of developing tumors,” Francine Tankeu told Anadolu Agency (AA). “We make them leukemic beforehand and then we follow their evolution.”
The next step is to arrange the remedy in a final physical aspect of the drug as it will be used in a patient and according to its compatibility.
“This other step includes several aspects such as toxicological studies to ensure its safety before moving to the human stage (of trials),” said Tankeu.
She noted results on animals show a significant regression of tumor volume after 30 days.
“The survival rate is good, but the test has not yet been performed on a human patient. The steps to be taken before clinical testing, like human trials, are not complete and I don’t have enough funds,” she said.
The idea to use plants came from her daily life, where she noticed a majority of the population uses traditional plant-based medicine for diseases.
“The beneficial effects of Syzygium Guineense, the plant I use, are not negligible because its activity is anti-leukemic. Beyond being used as a spice for local dishes, it is also used for the treatment of certain cancers,” she said.
‘Improved traditional medicine’
She figured if she could establish a scientific basis for the traditional use and formulate an improved traditional medicine, it would be “very useful.”
The methodology is “in tune with African socio-cultural realities” she said.
Tankeu wants to formulate “an improved traditional medicine” and to study the effects of the leafy forest plant when it is administered in conjunction with anti-cancer drugs to see if there would be a synergistic effect or a reduction in side effects from chemotherapy.
She received the Young Talent Award In 2020 from the For Women in Science in Sub-Saharan Africa program at the L’Oreal Foundation and UNESCO.
This prize allowed her to realize her work is “an effective contribution to the problem of cancer,” she said.
But the fight remains “vast, long and far from being won in view of the growing number of patients in the world as well as the obstacles to scientific research,” said Tankeu.
It is “very complicated in my country” for several reasons she told the Turkish news agency.
Notably, the lack of financial avenues, absence of technical platforms and prejudice against female scientists.
She noted that teachers prefer to work with male researchers because of perceptions that family responsibilities of women present obstacles.
In addition, “many children die before they are even put on treatment because the standard of living of the inhabitants is lower than the cost of examinations for an accurate diagnosis,” she said.
The number of cancer cases is increasing annually in Cameroon and diagnosis times are long – more than 60% of patients arrive at an advanced stage and treatment is expensive – according to the Health Ministry.
Tankeu also lamented about erroneous beliefs and perceptions
“It is a real barrier,” she said.
Despite the situation, the young biochemist said she views the future of her solution with “a lot of optimism, especially given the previous results.”
Source: Daily Sabah
11, November 2021
Buea University: More scandals are emerging 0
Many people thought the sex-for-marks scandal that shook the University of Buea to its core a few months ago was the only scar on the University’s face. But it is emerging that the sex scandal, engineered by Prof. Agborbechem and Prof. Molua, is simply the tip of a massive iceberg that is gradually melting and will certainly drown the university if higher education authorities do not step in to hem in the forces of evil that are determined to undermine efforts at making the University of Buea a real citadel of learning.
While Agborbechem and Ernest Molua are keeping a low profile, it must be pointed out that these dangerous elements will continue to spread pain and suffering among female students if they are allowed to operate within the same environment when the rules are still the same.
Agborbechem, in particular, is a satyr who sees casual sex as a ritual and last week he was caught looking at a young female student lustfully not far from the University. Agborbechem is still in the business of women and it is clear that he will not be retiring anytime soon from this nasty trade. He may be a dormant vulcano for now, but it will not be long for him to erupt, and when he erupts, the young girls will feel his wrath and frustration resulting from months of abstinence.
If the fear of being caught in a hotel or in his office is still stalking him like a stubborn shadow, the learned professor is not relenting and is still having visual sex. It will not be long before he returns to his old ways. Old habits diehard. His sex syndicate is still active and it will stop at nothing to give the university a bad name.
But today, the enemies of the University of Buea are not Ernest Molua and Peter Agborbechem. The University of Buea is facing a new challenge and this seems to be receiving the blessing of some university dons who are putting their parochial interest above the university’s best interest.
The political science department has decided to organize a closed-door master’s degree defense for some student fradulently admitted into the department’s Ph.D programme without a master’s degree.
This appears to be a face-saving measure given that the department of political science has come under massive pressure from the university’s senate.
The Dean of the Faculty of Laws and Political Science had been instructed to regularize the situation of 13 students admitted into the Ph.D. program under the Department of Political Science and Comparative Politics without meeting the requirements.
The Dean had reportedly asked the Head of the political science department to dismiss students admitted into the Ph.D. without a master’s degree in line with the university’s policies.
But Dr. Abangma, who seems to have a vested interest in the fake defense and who also doubles as the president of SYNES-UB, has stood his ground, opting instead to organize illegal defenses for the students.
The University of Buea is really facing major challenges. Under the new vice chancellor, things are really falling apart. His best efforts are not delivering the best results. There are many crime syndicates within the system and this is posing a huge challenge to university authorities.
By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai with files