7, November 2019
Southern Cameroons Conflict denies Ambazonia kids their education 0
More than 855 000 Cameroonian children are out of school following the failure by over 4 000 schools to open for the new academic year.
Schools remain closed because of the largely English-speaking North-West and South-West regions beset by conflict between state security and separatists demanding self-rule.
More than 4 100 primary and 744 secondary schools remain closed or have ceased operating, two months into the new academic year.
Fear of violence has kept parents from sending their children to school while at the same time blocking teachers and staff from reporting to work.
Among these children, almost 150 000 have been displaced from their homes, which increases their vulnerability and trauma.
Henrietta Fore, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Executive Director, said the minors subsequently faced a higher risk of recruitment by armed groups, child marriage, early pregnancy and other forms of exploitation and abuse.
“Thousands of children in Cameroon are living in fear. They need peace so that they can resume their education and reclaim their future,” she said.
In some areas where schools have been closed, community-run learning activities have been initiated to ensure that children do not miss out further on their education.
Fore urged communities, armed groups and government authorities to protect education in all its forms and enable children to learn in a safe and protective environment.
“Education must remain above politics,” she said.
English speaking communities allege marginalization by the government of President Paul Biya, which is dominated by French-speaking Cameroonians.
Source: CAJ News
14, November 2019
Cameroonian Conjoined twins successfully separated in France 0
One-year-old Cameroonian conjoined twins were successfully separated in a 5-hour operation in France on Wednesday, the hospital said.
Sisters Bissie and Eyenga Merveille—their family name is the French word for “marvel”—were born in Cameroon on Nov. 6, 2018, joined front-to-front and partly sharing a liver, the hospital said in a statement.
After the marathon separation in southeastern French city Lyon, which involved some 20 surgeons, doctors and other medical experts, the girls were put into emergency care and said to be in a stable condition.
They were brought to France for the life-changing procedure by the charity organization La Chaine de l’Espoir.
One of the girls has been diagnosed with a heart condition, which will be operated on later, the charity said on its website.
Rejected by the girls’ father and members of her family, the twins’ mother Mayah fled her town of Ayos to Cameroon’s capital Yaounde some 140 kilometers (87 miles) away, where she and her daughters took refuge at a hospital where they lived awaiting the operation.
Source: AFP