18, July 2017
“Mayor Ekema Patrick is building houses everywhere and changing employees” 0
Four employees of the Buea city council have been on strike since Monday morning demonstrating at the esplanade of the residence of the Francophone governor of the Southwest region.
They say the current Buea council leadership is owing them 24 months of wage arrears. The strikers who sought an audience with the CPDM boss of the Southwest region were unable to obtain it. Nevertheless, they are determined to carry on with their strike action.
“They want to see how far we can go but we are determined to go all the way, it’s our right, it’s our money, we do not know how we’re going to send our children to school. The Mayor is building houses everywhere, changing employees all the time,” said Hans Manga, one of the protesters contacted by Radio Equinoxe.
A staff delegate who spoke earlier on the same radio noted that the strikers did nothing to try to meet the mayor before embarking on their disengagement action.
By Sama Ernest
Cameroon Concord News
20, July 2017
Yaounde: International War College graduates 62 students 0
The flags of 21 countries in Africa, Europe and America were hoisted at the courtyard of the International War College Simbock Yaoundé to mark the end of 11 months of war training. The senior military officers received lectures in strategic and operational planning, geopolitics and how to command joint military and multinational forces.
The 12th batch composed of 62 senior military officers is the highest in number ever trained in one session since the establishment of the institution. The Commander of the Institution, Major General Esaïe Ngambo referred to the trainees as fine grains in the domains of conception and elaboration, analysis and decision making at strategic level within national and multinational armies.
Each laureate received an attestation (War College Certificate) and insignias of the institution, on Wednesday the 19th July 2017, during a ceremony presided over by the Secretary of state in the Ministry of Defense in charge of the National Gendarmerie, Jean Baptiste Bokam. The Gendarmerie boss challenged the officers to use the newly acquired knowledge to end conflicts and fight against terrorism in Africa.
A keynote presentation from one of the trainees on the theme “What Development Model for Africa” focused on the need for African countries to think beyond national boundaries and set common development agenda based on the 2060 vision of the African Union. The graduation ceremony was also occasion to pay tribute to some 34 Cameroon soldiers who went missing after their ship wrecked off the coast of Dibunsha in the South West region.
Major General Esaïe Ngambo regretted the loss and announced that one of the victims of the accident, Lieutenant Colonel Moussa who was leading the troops received training from the War College in 2016. The French government which is a key partner with the war college was represented by Ambassador Gilles Thibault who congratulated the trainees and pledged continuous French support in the areas of training and logistics essential to continental security.
Source: CRTV