29, January 2017
Revealed: Cameroun Secret Service has been killing youths arrested in Bamenda and burying them in a mass grave in Soa 3
The President of North West Lawyers Association, NOWELA, Barrister Bobga Harmony, who also moonlights as one of the leaders of the Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium has said that resistance is the only way forward for Southern Cameroonians. Bobga who had a miraculous escape from Bamenda via Mamfe to Cross River State in Nigeria also pointed out that the civil disobedience campaign should continue throughout West Cameroon.
Barrister Bobga Harmony revealed that the Francophone dominated secret service has been killing youths arrested in Bamenda and burying them in mass grave in Soa, located at the outskirts of Yaoundé. “The situation back in Cameroon is very bad, I mean well planned and carefully executed. They will arrest people in Bamenda which has courts but they will be taken to Yaoundé without being accounted for, I confronted the Governor and the Attorney General and they told me they had no idea. A magistrate told me that they had reports that as soldiers moved in the night and see a civilian they will say ‘donne Lui une balle’ , give him a bullet and he will be shot on the thigh.”
The Anglophone advocate further observed that some agents of La Repubique du Cameroun carried huge sums of money to bribe people. “Some came to me and said I should name my price that they know I am the leader and I should just say schools should reopen and lawyers should go back to courts.”
Bobga has vowed to knock on every single door at the United Nations to tell the story of the people of West Cameroon whom he says are marginalized by an Octogenarian leader who has been ruling for over three decades now. He has also said he will be filing suits against the British government for being a silent accomplice.
Sonne Peter with files from Cameroun Info.Net
30, January 2017
Hon. Wirba addresses Southern Cameroonians, says we are winners for all times 2
Our people have proven to the colonial masters that our iron will is tougher than all their guns. The week by week shut down of West Cameroon is sure proof. We will keep our children home and shut down everything till we build a better future for those children. We will do it for as long as it takes. This is the best option for us for we are a peaceful people and we will win by all peaceful means.
The reason our courageous leaders are in jail and others are being hunted down like animals is because this government believes that it has a colony in West Cameroon! In colonial policy, the master never sits to debate anything with the natives who own the land. The colonial rules are simple, beat them, maim them, jail them, shoot them and kill them heady native, who challenge your injustices, until the rest submit to your colonial will! After 55 years, our people have simply outgrown fear and submission. They are now holding their heads higher and higher and simply saying “Since you have more value for our land than for our people, kill us all before you take the land.” This is our peaceful resistance “War” cry.
We must now let the world know that we will resist them to the last man, woman and child. It is the cheapest “war” against our oppressors. With our bare hands and our hearts full of determination to live in dignity in our own country, we must collectively stand up and face our oppressors until we win! Even if our children stay home for two years, it will be better for us and those children because we will use this peaceful means to build a better and a free Cameroon for them. Peaceful resistance and civil disobedience are very legitimate ways of fighting oppression!
My people, by shutting down the internet all over West Cameroon, this government has proven that if it had its means, it could shut off even the air we breathe, so that we, the people of West Cameroon, could collectively chock to death! If they could, they could, they will shut down both sun and rain so we could all starve to death. This government is a grave source of danger to us as a people!
Unfortunately for them, God has a different plan for his people of West Cameroon! A plan of complete victory of good over evil! Actions speak louder than words! Their actions have shown the whole world how much they despise us! We can now see them for who they really are: a heartless government that treats us as subhuman! Were it not, how can a government treat our people with such gross disrespect, spite and arrogance? When a government lacks respect for its people, that government has no place in the people’s life. Let us all stand up in West Cameroon and prove to them that they have no place in our lives!
Your humble servant,
Hon Wirba.