3, January 2017
Akéré Muna says the Anglophone problem has two sides- One legal and the other political 1
Barrister Akere Muna has revealed that Anglophone territories have undergone an annexation by Francophone Cameroon. Akéré Muna, made the revelation in a televised conversation with Spectrum Télévision (STV) on December 29, 2016. The former President of the Bar Association argued that the current Northwest and Southwest Regions were independent before the October Reunification in 1961.
Akéré Muna contested the statements of those who declare the contrary and pointed out that Southern Cameroons existed as an independent country. “People had different agendas. I think that for some, it was necessary to mask an annexation and for the others, it was two States. And this desire on the side of Southern Cameroon was so clear that they demanded there be independence before the Reunification. So West Cameroon celebrated its independence at the Centenary Stadium in Victoria before the Reunification. “
Muna also brandished documents referring to the independence of West Cameroon and asserted that he attended the proclamation of the independence of that entity. The former president of Transparency International also observed that during the Foumban negotiations in 1961, “Southern Cameroons did not suspect that there was another game going on “. He added that prior to Nigeria’s independence; Southern Cameroons was managed as an integral part of Nigeria with headquarters at Enugu. But his father, Solomon Tandeng Muna had demanded and obtained that Southern Cameroons be detached from Nigeria before its independence to avoid future negotiations with both Cameroon and Nigeria.
Akéré Muna noted that the Anglophone problem has two sides- One legal and the other political. “On the legal side, we can do a lot of things that have been done, which have completely truncated the truth. But I think that the solution to the problem of our country does not lie in the past. The actions we are undertaking today will determine the future.”
By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai
3, January 2017
Anglophone teachers are being targeted, trade union leaders make public new guidelines 0
The Southern Cameroons trade union leaders have come up with the following. A Joint release will soon be published.
1.) No one for no reason should demonstrate or match during this period. Public demonstrations are cancelled in North West and South West Regions.
2) All Parents, teachers and students are advised not to listen to any publication on social media which is not from the Union leaders of teachers and lawyers.
3) All parents, teachers and students are advised NOT to send their children to school come the 9th of January. Teachers should stay home and watch over their children.
4) The union leaders are more determined now than before to fight for the demands they had made. A press release to this will soon come. Remember that we are teachers and must be logical in our thinking.