23, October 2016
Biya expected in Yaounde today 0
President Paul Biya is expected in Yaounde today Sunday, October 23, 2016, Cameroon Concord News has learned from sources at the presidency of the republic. The Right Royal President is reportedly jetting back home via a chartered flight and will then end the controversy over his long absence from the country.
The 83 year old leader left Yaounde on Friday, September 16, 2016 for New York City in the United States to attend the 71st session of the UN General Assembly. But well before the closing session of the UN general assembly, Biya left the US for a destination that was never communicated to the Cameroonian people.
For over 37 days now, he has been appointing and dismissing top government officials from a five star hotel apartment in Geneva, Switzerland. Governing with the support of a tribal constituted military and secret service, none of the major disasters that recently happened in the country could force his return home. Our chief political editor observed at the time of filing this report that “the nation is at the mercy of Biya and his appointees.”
By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai
24, October 2016
Governor Otto Wilson passes on 0
The Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation, Emmanuel René Sadi has confirmed through a statement the death of Governor Otto Joseph Wilson of the Centre region. According to René Sadi, the Governor
died early Monday morning at the American Hospital in Paris. The late Joseph Otto Wilson who hailed from Isangele district in the Bakassi peninsula was born March 19, 1964 in Douala. After high school in Douala, he studied at the University of Yaounde, where he obtained a Masters in Economics. He was admitted in 1987 into the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM) in Yaounde and graduated two years later.
Otto Wilson Joseph had a brilliant career in the ministry of territorial administration where he held several positions as DO, SDO and finally Governor. Before his appointment as governor of the North region in April 2012, was the only civil administrator in the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation (MINATD) who served as inspector general in charge of electoral matters.
He will be remembered in the North following his skilful management of the 2012 floods, the highway robbery phenomenon and cross-border insecurity. On the 4th of June 2014, President Biya gave him the honour to serve as governor of the Centre region with headquarters in Yaounde.
The death of his daughter in 2016 reportedly weakened the seasoned administrator who had been diagnosed with cancer. His health condition worsened and he was evacuated on October the 8th, 2016 to the American Hospital in Paris, France where he died this morning.
By Rita Akana