12, October 2017
Southern Cameroons Crisis: Francophone Defense Minister expected in Buea County today 0
The Francophone Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Defense, Joseph Beti Assomo is expected this Thursday, October 12, 2017 in the Buea County in Southern Cameroons. Information has filtered that Etoudi wants the defense boss to personally conduct an assessment of the security situation in West Cameroon as instructed by the UN Secretary General.
This is the content of a press release issued on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 by the presidency of the republic. “The meeting will scrutinize the security situation and assess the functioning of the various devices on the ground to adapt them where necessary in the light of compliance with law and order,” the press release said.
French Cameroun security forces have carried out arbitrary arrests, illegal searches of homes, murders and other abuses in Southern Cameroons under the watchful eyes of the African Union and the United Nations. This trip by Minister Assomo has been interpreted by the Southern Cameroons Ambazonia Governing Council has a mission to cover up facts.
Joseph Beti Assomo will meet with senior officials of the central and territorial defense and security forces and the French Cameroun governors of the Northwest and Southwest regions.
By Rita Akana, CCN
12, October 2017
Kofi Annan to brief UN Security Council on Myanmar 0
On Friday 13 October Mr Kofi Annan, Chair of the Kofi Annan Foundation and the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State, will brief UN Member States on the Advisory Commission’s main findings and recommendations for Myanmar’s troubled western state of Rakhine.
In his capacity as Chair of the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State, Mr Annan presented the Commission’s report “Towards a Peaceful, Fair and Prosperous Future for the People of Rakhine” in Yangon in August 2017. The report puts forward recommendations to surmount the political, socioeconomic and humanitarian challenges that have long existed in Rakhine State and have contributed to the current crisis.
The Advisory Commission on Rakhine State, which was disbanded following the completion of its mandate in September 2017, focused on long-term solutions for improving the welfare of all people in Rakhine State. Its final report addresses many of the root causes that underlie the humanitarian crisis.
“Towards a Peaceful, Fair and Prosperous Future for the People of Rakhine” and the recommendations it contains have been endorsed by the Government of Myanmar and widely welcomed by the international community.
In his briefing to Council Members and other Member States, Mr Annan will present the main recommendations of the report and discuss their implementation in the context of the violence and displacement that has taken place since the Commission’s report was published.
Mr Annan will urge stakeholders to use the report as a roadmap to peace and development in Rakhine State.
Mr Annan will stress the need to quickly end security operations, facilitate humanitarian access to affected populations and ensure protection of civilians.
The briefing will begin at 15:00 EST. It will be held under the Arria-formula to allow for participation from all United Nations Member States and accredited non-governmental organisations.
Mr. Annan’s statement will be made public at the time of the briefing.
About the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State
At the behest of the Ministry of the Office of the State Counsellor of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and in collaboration with the Kofi Annan Foundation, the Advisory Commission on Rakhine State was established in September 2016 as a neutral and impartial body to propose concrete measures for improving the welfare of all people in Rakhine state. It was disbanded following the completion of its mandate in September 2017.
The Commission was composed of six local and three international experts and chaired by Kofi Annan. It released an interim report in March 2017 and its final report in August 2017. The reports considered and provided recommendations on humanitarian and developmental issues, access to basic services, legal questions including citizenship and the assurance of basic rights, security to all people in all communities and other issues central to building lasting peace.
Source: Kofi Annan Foundation