31, August 2017
Commission for the Promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism: Bidoung Mkpatt helping Musonge 0
The Minister of Sports and Physical Education, Pierre Ismaël Bidoung Mkpatt has signed a ministerial order setting up a day of bilingualism in his ministry. The new innovation in the Biya Francophone Beti Ewondo government is unprecedented and comes just some few hours after the 85 year old dictator ordered the release of the leaders of the Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium including Lord Justice Ayah Paul Abine.
The Minister Bidoun Mkpatt’s order stipulates that all personnel in the Ministry of Sports and Physical Education are required to speak “English” to French-speaking employees or to speak “French” to English-speaking staff on the last Thursday of each month .
The Minister who is reportedly an in-law to President Biya stated that the initiative takes effect as from today Thursday the 31st of August 2017. Minister Bidoung set an example yesterday Wednesday the 30th of August 2017 in the morning at the Multipurpose Sports Palace in Yaounde during a ceremony to launch the so-called bilingual day whose objective is the promotion of the bilingualism in Cameroon. During his speech on the occasion, Pierre Ismaël Bidoung Mkpatt alternated French and English.
However, there is still no news of the Commission for the Promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism created by the Head of State Paul Biya for eight months in a context marked by the Southern Cameroons crisis. We understand the commission’s chairman, former Prime Minister Peter Mafany Musonge recently got married and maybe enjoying his honeymoon.
By Rita Akana
Cameroon Concord News
1, September 2017
Southern Cameroons Crisis: Leader and 54 others released 0
55 Southern Cameroonians arrested and tried in connection with the violence linked to the Anglophone crisis have regained their freedom after a decree signed by President Biya halting all legal proceedings. 24 others whose proceedings are still pending before the military court in Yaoundé including BBC Mancho are still in detention. Their fate will be known at the next hearings.
Cameroon Concord News understands the decree excluded from the list of beneficiaries, defendants prosecuted for murder, destruction of national emblems including the flag and the authors calling for secession. The so-called Cameroon government spokesman, Issa Tchiroma hinted that the decision taken by President Paul Biya is “in conformity with the provisions of article 13 paragraph 4 of law n ° 2017/012 of July 12, 2017 establishing a code of military justice.”
According to this law, the President of the Republic may at any time before a judgement is pronounced, prescribe a criminal prosecution before the military court. Issa Tchiroma also said it is not a question of “interference by the executive, nor of an interference with the independence of the judiciary, but of a mere application of the law in Cameroon. The President Paul Biya decree which sounded the return to social cohesion, was greeted by António Guterres, the UN Secretary-General.
By Sama Ernest
Cameroon Concord News