5, June 2017
Bishop Jean Marie Beniot search team compensated with fufu and eru meal and a bottle of beer 0
The members of the fishing community who were called to help in the search for the remains of the late Bishop of Bafia, His Lordship Jean Marie Beniot Balla say they have been forgotten by the CPDM regime. To be sure, the body of the late prelate was found dead on May the 2nd, an autopsy conducted and the corps handed over to the Roman Catholic Church and family.
To find the missing prelate on May 31, 2017, fourteen local divers were recruited by the CPDM leadership in Ebebda. Once the body was discovered, the divers in a typical CPDM pattern were abandoned by the administrative authorities, who had promised them some form of compensation.
For three days, the divers left their families to try to find the bishop and today no one is looking at them. The so-called Anglophone governor of the Central region and the political elites of Bafia have all left and the divers do not know who to confront.
For 72 hours, these men actively participated in the search for the late Man of God but promises made to them have not been kept. The mayor of Ebebda, Syrinus Awono, had assured the divers from the beginning of this story that President Biya had put everything at his disposal so that the search operation was well conducted. Unfortunately, at the end of the operation, the mayor only gave the divers a fufu and eru meal worth 500 FCFA and a bottle of beer.
By Rita Akana
Cameroon Concord News
6, June 2017
EU will give 50mn euros to fund African force in Sahel 0
The European Union says it plans to spend 50 million euros to finance the establishment of a joint African military force in the Sahel region with the declared aim of fighting terrorism, among other threats.
Announcing the bid in Mali’s capital of Bamako on Monday, the European Union’s foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini says the bloc asserted that the funding will help pay for the troops battle illegal immigration, cross-border crime and militant activity.
“Stability and development of the Sahel region are crucial not only for Africa but also for Europe,” said the EU’s top diplomat, noting that “this contribution will arrive very quickly and I hope (it) will set out the right path to other partners of the Sahel G5.”
The military force will be made up of troops from Mauritania, Mali, Chad, Burkina Faso and Niger, known as the Sahel G-5. The group approved plans in March to build a contingent of 5,000 members made up of soldiers, police officers as well as civilians.
However, Mali’s Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop stated on Monday that leaders of the five nations had decided the new force would consist of up to 10,000 soldiers and police officers and become operational by the end of the year.
“The heads of state of the Sahel G5 who met in Riyadh, [Saudi Arabia] just a few weeks ago decided to bring the number from 5,000 men to 10,000 men. This really shows their engagement because this is a vast area,” Diop declared.
Neither Mogherini nor Diop, however, elaborated on the role of the Saudi kingdom in the establishment of the African military force.
The initial decision to establish the G5 Sahel force in the semi-arid region south of the Sahara was made in November 2015, during a summit in Chad’s capital of N’Djamena.
More than 3,000 French military forces as well as 12,000 UN troops have been engaged in Mali – a former French colony — since 2013, when al-Qaeda-linked elements and Tuareg militants waged an insurgency in the north of the country.
Although the militants were largely driven out by a French-led military operation in January 2013, they continue to wage attacks on the country’s military forces in the arid remote north.
Since 2015, the attacks have spread to the center and south of the impoverished nation, often spilling over into neighboring countries, including Burkina Faso and Niger.
Source: Presstv