9, May 2017
Battle for Southern Cameroons: Consortium launches “Operation NO 20th May and NO GCE Examinations” in West Cameroon 0
The Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium has announced a massive operation aimed at achieving total and complete independence from La Republique du Cameroun. The Consortium, recognized by all Southern Cameroonians as the body with legitimate authority says celebrations to mark the so-called National Day will not hold in Southern Cameroon territory this year. The leaders have also called for a boycott of the 2017 session of the General Certificate of Education Examination. Below is a recent statement made public by the Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium:
Fellow Southern Cameroonians, the great day of battle is here and the war cry has been sounded. That day on which we were turned into slaves is here- 20th May!! The battle line is drawn, there is no standing on the fence; No Southern Cameroonian should be seen anywhere near any ceremonial ground going to help Biya destroy, kill & maim us the more. Everyone must choose their side: You are either for Southern Cameroons or against us, there is no midway.
No political party shall be seen doing anything on that day; the ghost town of that day has to be one that sends a clear and unambiguous message to everyone across the world that we want freedom, that we are tired of slavery and servitude, that annexation and colonialism in the 21st century are crimes against humanity. No exceptions shall be accepted and we shall all go out there and spread this message.
Also, the Francophone government is now calling for “juju” power to protect some centers for them to destroy the education of the very children we are fighting to safeguard by writing examinations when there were no classes for months; rest assured that will not happen on our territory. Beware of treachery; do not be found at the wrong place at the wrong time- tell others!!
By Rita Akana and Tina Nene Nganda
10, May 2017
Obama says no country ‘immune’ from climate change 0
Former US President Barack Obama has voiced alarm about climate change, warning that no country would be safe. No country, “large or small, rich or poor, will be immune from the impacts of climate change,” Obama warned on Tuesday at a food summit in Milan, Italy. Speaking at the Seeds & Chips Global Food Innovation Summit he said, “Our changing climate is already making it more difficult to produce food”.
Obama’s warning comes amid speculations that President Donald Trump, who is a skeptic of climate change, could pull the US out of the landmark Paris Agreement, reached at the end of 2015. Under that agreement, world leaders agreed to make sure global warming stayed “well below” 2 degrees Celsius and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Climate change is a hoax “created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non-competitive,” Trump said during his election campaign.
However, the former US president insisted on Tuesday that both the US and China were responsible to lead the way in the fight against climate change. “It’s important that big countries that are big emitters like the US and China… lead the way,” and others follow suit, Obama told the summit. “The current [Trump] administration has differences with my administration in terms of environmental policy,” he said. “Because of the debates taking place in the current administration the steps may be taken more slowly than they would have been done, but I’m confident,” he added.
“The good news is the private sector has already made a determination that the future is clean energy. Those things are locked in now, into the energy sector,” Obama added During his election campaign last year, Trump had vowed to pull out of the landmark 2015 Paris climate deal, if elected.
Source: Presstv