9, February 2017
UK: House of Commons gives green light to Brexit 0
British MPs pass a bill that allows Prime Minister Theresa May to start negotiations on Brexit. Lawmakers in the House of Commons voted 494 by 122 Wednesday for a law that enables May to trigger Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty to start formal negotiations on leaving the European Union.The article would initiate two years of talks between London and the 28-nation bloc.
May attempted to get the article 50 bill through the House of Commons without any change, hoping for initiation of negotiations before the end of March, while MPs made efforts to have more say in the process but to no avail. “This, elementally, is a straightforward bill which serves only to give the prime minister the power to trigger Article 50 and thereby respect the result of the referendum,” said Brexit Secretary David Jones.
Meanwhile on Wednesday, the shadow business secretary, Clive Lewis, resigned from his post, arguing that he will not “vote for something I believe will ultimately harm the city I have the honor to represent, love and call home.”
“I will continue to support our party and our leader from the back benches to the very best of my ability,” he said. Last year, nearly 52 percent of Britons voted to end their country’s decades-long membership in the 28-nation bloc. Ahead of the June referendum, two third of the MPs had campaigned for staying in the EU. The bill should now move to the House of Lords, where the prime minister’s Conservative party does not enjoy a majority.
10, February 2017
Hon. Joseph Wirba endorses the Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium 0
I want to thank you all for the kind words, encouragement and prayers. I might not be able to respond to all your messages because of the present circumstance, but I am well and we are together. We will use this platform to give an unmatched impetus to the people’s Consortium.
This is a historic moment in West Cameroon. Despite the unlawful arrest of our people, extra-judicially killings, rape, torture, intimidation, harassment, internet blackout, bribery, divide and rule tactics (not exclusively), we are taking our destiny into our hands.
The colonial government of La Republique is desperate and slowly running out of options. The time is now for us to stand up more than ever before to this reign of terror over our people! With or without telephone networks Ghost towns continue on Friday 10th and Saturday 11th. Do not believe any news from the colonial propaganda machinery CRTV.
West Cameroon will be on trial on the 13th of February!! To honour Barrister AGBOR BALLA & ALL OUR BROTHERS ON TRIAL, GHOST TOWN will be stage on MONDAY the 13th Starting 4am! They stood for us!! LETS STAND FOR THEM UNTIL THEY’RE SET FREE!