6, February 2017
African Union: Morocco says will never recognize SADR 0
Moroccan officials have rejected claims that their country will have to recognize the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) now that the kingdom is permitted to rejoin the African Union (AU). Moroccan Deputy Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita said in an interview published on Sunday that Morocco’s membership in the AU would not mean a recognition of the SADR borders declared by the the Polisario Front in the Western Sahara region at the height of a war for the territory.
“Not only does Morocco not recognize – and will never recognize – this so-called entity … It will (also) redouble its efforts so the small minority of countries, particularly African, which recognize it, change their positions,” said Bourita.
The Moroccan diplomat said Rabat will not change its stance on the territory, refuting statements by Polisario and its allies that Morocco’s return to the African bloc implies a recognition of the SADR’s borders.
“This is nonsense from the point of view of international law and state practice,” Bourita said, adding that joining “an international forum in the presence of an unrecognized entity cannot imply the state’s recognition of that entity.” The AU decided in a meeting in Ethiopia last Monday to approve Morocco’s re-entry into the bloc. The kingdom left the AU in 1984 after the continental body admitted SADR.
Polisario backers, namely Algeria and South Africa, had resisted Morocco’s return. A diplomatic source in Rabat said Morocco’s re-entry into AU was a major setback for those countries, saying they “spent months doing everything they can to prevent our return, until the last minute.”
The source said Polisario backers are now trying to present their “failure as a success” by pretending that Morocco has accepted to recognize SADR. “Morocco will continue to mobilize to delegitimize the SADR,” said the senior diplomat, adding, “The return of Morocco is a direct challenge to the presence of the Polisario within the AU.”
The Polisario head and SADR president, Brahim Ghali, said Sunday that the movement was ready to hold talks with Morocco, but warned that “all options are open” in the independence struggle from the kingdom, meaning that the movement could return to armed struggle against Rabat.
“We always look for the peaceful way” to resolve the conflict, Ghali said, adding, “But all options remain open.” Ghali called on Morocco to meet its commitments, saying the kingdom should respect the international borders of the Sahrawi Republic now that it is a member of the AU
The disputed Sahara territory was for long a Spanish colony until it went under Moroccan control in 1975. Years of war ended with a ceasefire in 1991 but the two sides of the conflict have rejected efforts to reach a permanent solution. Some 165,000 people, known as Sahrawis, currently live in a refugee camp in Tindouf, southwestern Algeria. The population mostly lives on aid from UN agencies and international NGOs.
7, February 2017
Hail to the courageous and persistent Southern Cameroonians 0
Hail to the courageous and persistent Ambazonians who continue the ghost town strategy even when everybody would like to celebrate the win of the Africa Cup on the streets! No! Now is not the time to focus on sports, now is the time to focus on survival of the whole homeland, the whole People of Ambazonia. Either you stand up now altogether or you become extinct. The independent Nation of Ambazonia aka “Southern Cameroons” is threatened by genocide and has suffered unspeakable treatment by the illegitimate dictatorial regime of Cameroun aka Exploitation-Colony-of-France for tooooo long.
The ghost town form of maximum passive resistance must continue at any cost to put more and more pressure on Mista Biya on his cronies and on all international parties which may still think that Anglophones are just an internal problem in Cameroon. No! The Anglophones are not the problem, they are the solution! The real problem is with the Francophones, who crawl in the the arse of French and other foreign corporations to profit from exploitation of their own fellow Cameroonians. And what the French are doing with Cameroun, like a rapist with its victim, Yaoundé is doing with Ambazonia.
It’s only about robbing robbing robbing. That’s why they don’t allow any weapons for the Ambazonians to defend themselves and control their own resources by themselves. Nevertheless, right now, it is favorable to stay with all forms of passive resistance until an exile government of Ambazonia is formed which will drive a worldwide peaceful campaign for the support of the buildup of a modern, independent, entrepreneurial, prosperous, free Ambazonia in which the People can vote for their own State’s name and new, much better Constitution per Referendum. But to make it happen, we need everyone of you, each and every single one, to help keeping the resistance spirit in the suffering population alive and to promote the convincing of the Francophones also, that they shall support the Ambazonians in their quest for independence, because once achieved, that would be the most potential way to help the Francophones as well to get rid of that corrupt and outdated Biya regime and French robbery post colonialism. So please, try to call as many people in the homeland as you can and keep them informed and highly spirited.
The Ambazonian Diaspora is feverishly working on all diplomatic and guerilla and media campaign fronts to make the world convinced that it is driving far far better with free Ambazonia than with enslaved Cameroon! You will see, independence, freedom, prosperity, own government, own army, own currency, own modern constitution, all this will come, if you only remain persistent and network with the homeland like one man with one agenda and one command structure! Every Ambazonian, every “Southern Cameroonian” has to become a warrior for independence now! Ambazonians and Cameroonians are the creme de la creme of Africa and they will get their long deserved freedom!