3, May 2020
Of Dr Fontem, PLO Lumumba and the Ambazonia Town Hall 0
I was in a Town Hall Meeting with Prof. Lumumba and more than 200 Ambazonians today, in which Prof gave a lot of good questions and answers for the revolution and Dr. Fontem presented the goals of SCUF, the Southern Cameroons United Front and another one presented the proceedings for the establishment of an Ambazonian National Bank. These are all very good developments into the right direction: more unity among us, more funds and power for the homeland defense & relief, and more chances to win allies or points on global political stage. I hope the moderators of the town hall meeting can publish Prof’s questions and answers and the modalities for SCUF and ANB for everybody soon! Yet let me add something I have on my heart concerning more unity among ourselves and more steady funds for our defense on GZ:
We need to ensure that it is a bottom-up-revolution and not a top-down-revolution, because top-down is easily infiltratable by the enemy. Top-down would mean that some “important” people would, like Paul Biya, just appoint people other people into power positions and that’s it. No, we have to give the people and commanders on GZ the power to vote other people into power and representation positions! That is bottom-up and the blossom of real democracy and freedom!
So, funding and uniting our defense groups is far more important than governing, especially not governing in the wrong way, like appointing people according to tribal or political party affiliation. We all need and want the strongest Ambazonian Forces possible and for that the politicking and personal cult of party leaders has to stop and the humble serving and funding for the homeland has to start. That means that the commanders and LGA-leaders from GZ shall hold Zoom Meetings among themselves in which they vote who the board members of the SCUF and ANB shall be. Also, all existing groups and IGs shall swear a public oath to the common Ambazonian rules and that their foot soldiers have to swear an oath to never attack any other Amba soldier from any group but focus on fighting the occupier altogether. What we really need most is the subordination of all leaders and activists under a common Ambazonian agreement, which says that the people and commanders on GZ have the charge over power and funds, and that political diaspora parties, which keep fighting other Amba groups shall be expelled from the funding and decision-making.
Prof. Lumumba said that we have to bury all factionalism and start speaking in one voice before the EU, AU, UN and ECOWAS, and as long as we don’t have this one voice we shan’t go to the Swiss table. I agree, although I recently recommended going to the Swiss table, but I have to confess that Prof. Lumumba is more right than me. I just wanted to pronounce that we should not run away from the task and walk proud and not fearless. And I think, the way to create this one-voice-representation goes through the united funding process for all commanders on ground zero and letting them vote who our leaders are and whom they shall vote as the supreme leader who tells the EU, AU, UN, US, ECOWAS and so on Ambazonia’s nonnegotiable position.
Of course, the more united we are, the more our enemy will try to corrupt our leadership. That’s why it is so important that we give the power to the people and the commanders, because they know best who can be trusted to lead because he/she is unbribable.
By Christoph Messner
4, May 2020
Manyu Liberation Council! Stop the talking! Fund the boys! 0
Fellow Manyus,
We bring you revolutionary greetings from your G-Zero heroes. We hope and pray that you and your families are all safe during this time of a global pandemic.
Last Sunday the 26th of April 2020, we presented an innovative structure to regain the initiative in our county in order to refocus our efforts to protect our people from French Cameroun’s genocidal war in Ambazonia. The creation of a Manyu Liberation Council (MLC) to unite our people and raise funds for our self-defense forces has been greeted with immense compliments and appreciation.
Over the last few days after the presentation, we have conducted additional consultations and considered proposals from you to improve our proposed structure. We are pleased to announce that from your feedbacks, we have made constructive inputs into the MLC project.
The role of our self-defense heroes can’t be overstated in our quest for freedom and independence. As self-defense is a vital department of this new MLC structure, we have spent the last few days engaging with self-defense forces in G-Zero and many defense overseers in the diaspora to ascertain the challenges they face. This exercise has given us a broad understanding of the challenges and opportunities ahead. We are pleased to announce that our self-defense forces have exercised restraint and committed to halt hostilities against each other.
We are pleased to announce that on Sunday the 10th of May 2020 at 7pm Amba Time, we are inviting you all to a Town Hall to launch the Manyu Liberation Council project. The zoom link for this meeting will be communicated on Saturday the 9th of May 2020.
Your self-defense forces are excited at this great opportunity. We are excited! The time for talking in Manyu is over; the time for funding your self-defense forces in Manyu is now.
God Bless Manyu, Long Live Ambazonia
MLC Project Team