16, August 2019
Ambazonia Politics: Disgraced former Acting President arrives UK, Attacks Camcordnews Editor 0
The disgraced former Southern Cameroons Acting President Dr Ikome Sako has sneaked himself into the United Kingdom to attend a dubious event advertised on social media as Ambazonia Cultural Festival. Sako entered the UK like a thief in the night and has taken up residence in Reading precisely with a blood relation to Irene Ngwa-his mistress-protégé.
The man of God who almost ruined the Southern Cameroons struggle decided upon arrival to launch a scathing attack on the chairman and editor-in-chief of the Cameroon Concord News Group, the Right Hon. Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai.
After he was received by some friends of Irene Ngwa residing in the UK who are planning to use the so-called Ambazonia Cultural Festival in London to enhance Sako’s battered political image, Sako exploited one of his fake facebook profiles to respond to Cameroon Concord News Group editorial published today the 16th of August 2019 captioned “Majority of Southern Cameroons Militias Are On The Payroll Of CPDM Ministers”.
In his ill-disguised attempt at hiding his identity, Sako observed via his facebook profile that by invoking CPDM Ministers in the editorial, our chairman was reading from the same script with Eric Tataw and Mark Barata including President Sisiku Ayuk Tabe. Our IT consultants in Ohio and New Delhi after a joint operation have traced the IP address of the sender to Reading, UK.
Speaking to this reporter earlier today, Mr. Soter Agbaw-Ebai made a mockery of the disgraced Southern Cameroons pastor noting that “Sako must have skipped inspection of the guard of honour at Heathrow and now finds himself in Reading.”
By Chi Prundence Asong in London
17, August 2019
Prominent Anglophone Scholar calls on Sako to quit 0
A key voice in the Southern Cameroons struggle, Dr. Joachim Arrey, is urging Dr. Sako Ikome to take a long and hard look at his leadership of the Southern Cameroons Interim Government.
Dr. Arrey who has resisted all pressure to publicly criticize his friend and junior brother, Dr. Sako has finally come out to urge Dr. Sako to conduct a veritable introspection with a view to saving the struggle.
Sako Ikome, who is currently in London to drum up support for the Interim Government, is not really making any impressive progress in the United Kingdom.
Southern Cameroonians know what Dr. Sako is selling, but not many of them are rushing to buy his products.
Dr Arrey Joachim pointed out that after every stage in our lives, we must conduct introspection. This also applies to the leadership of the Interim Government.
“Dr. Sako, who is a friend and brother, is making a commendable effort to meet the people so as to give the struggle a shot in the arm, but I am not seeing many Southern Cameroonians in London rushing to meet with him. The rain may be to blame. But true fans know no rain or shine.”
Cameroon Concord News Group understands that the numerous scandals and rumors seem to be having a serious impact on the man of God. “It is time to look back, but not in anger” observed Dr Joachim Arrey.
“As a gentleman and a dedicated Southern Cameroonian, I think Dr. Sako should be conducting an introspection that should help him make an informed decision about his leadership of the Interim Government” Dr Joachim Arrey added.
The African Development Bank technocrat opined that “Sako’s shine appears to be wearing off and I think handing over the baton of responsibility in a nice and decent way will not be a bad idea. It is always good to know when to leave or throw in the towel.”
Dr Arrey Joachim also stated that “Sometimes, despite our best efforts and intentions, we may not deliver to the glorious expectations of our people. The struggle is ours and it is incumbent upon us to ensure it does not get aborted by our own anger or actions.”
It should be recalled that Dr. Sako Ikome has become a lightning rod for controversy ever since allegations of financial malfeasance surfaced. He has been at the center of these scandals and some of his collaborators have publicly indicted him of corruption.
The dysfunctional nature of the IG under Dr Sako is spreading pain and death in Ground Zero where many rogue elements are gradually filling up the gap created by dwindling recruitments into the ranks of the Amba boys due to declining funding.
By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai in London