16, December 2017
Was the attack on Manyu worth the human, financial cost? Join the AGBAW-EBAI DEBATE 0
It has been described as the biggest cover-up in Cameroon’s history. Hundreds of Southern Cameroonians have been killed and thousands have fled to neighbouring Nigeria. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees reported that the UN body has registered more than 5000 Southern Cameroonians as refugees in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
The AGBAW-EBAI DEBATE understands that approximately a hundred Cameroon soldiers have died ever since President Biya declared war on the people of Southern Cameroons. Yaounde now feels there can never be a military solution to the Federal Republic of Ambazonia project as propounded by the Interim Government headed by Sisiku Ayuk Tabe.
In this edition of the AGBAW-EBAI DEBATE, we are asking our readers if the attack on Manyu Division worth the human and financial cost? Let your opinion he heard. Join the discusson
18, December 2017
Southern Cameroons Crisis: 10 Regional Governors to discuss the challenges of living together 0
The 10 regional governors will be meeting today Monday, December 18, 2017 in Yaoundé for their second semiannual conference for the year 2017. The session that will be chaired by the Minister of Territorial Administration is expected to last three days.
The Biya Francophone regime has chosen the theme of the governor’s meeting as “administrative authority, change in security threats, the challenge of living together and the prospect of sub-regional integration “. Cameroon Concord News learnt that the debates will be coordinated by René Emmanuel Sadi, Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization.
The theme is undoubtedly inspired by hotbeds of socio-politico-security tensions in Southern Cameroons and security issues in the Eastern and Far-North Regions. The ten Biya appointed governors of the Region will present a situation report of their respective administrative units. As usual, Minister René Emmanuel Sadi will communicate to the governors at the end of this conference, the directives of the government with a view to a better preservation of the social peace and the living together.
By Rita Akana in Yaounde