30, September 2017
Cameroon bans pro-independence rallies in Anglophone area 0
Cameroon has banned public meetings and travel in a mainly English-speaking region ahead of a protest to demand independence for the area. The South-West region’s border with Nigeria has also been shut to block “infiltration” by people threatening Cameroon’s unity, officials said.
Pro-independence marches have been planned for Sunday, the 56th anniversary of Cameroon’s unification. English speakers accuse the Francophone majority of discrimination. They say they are often excluded from top civil service jobs, and that the French language and legal system have been imposed on them.
The government denies the allegations and insists that it treats all citizens equally. The divisions in the central African state date back to the post-colonial settlement. Cameroon was colonised by Germany and then split into British and French areas after World War One. Following a referendum, British-run Southern Cameroons joined the French-speaking Republic of Cameroon in 1961.
It is now divided into the South-West and North-West regions. Demands for independence have grown in the two regions in recent years and tension has been escalating ahead of Sunday’s planned protests, reports the BBC’s Randy Joe Sa’ah from the capital, Yaoundé.
The South-West region’s governor, Bernard Okalia Bilai, has called protest organisers “dogs”, and has warned them that they will be met by troops if they take to the streets on Sunday, our correspondent adds. At least six protesters were killed and dozens arrested during protests earlier this year. Access to the internet in the Anglophone regions was also blocked from January to April.
Announcing the new security measures, Mr Bilai said there would be a ban on gatherings of more than four people, and travel between towns, from 20:00 GMT on Friday until 08:00 GMT on Monday. The region’s border with Nigeria would also be closed during this time “following persistent threats of destabilisation” by individuals based outside Cameroon, he added.
In a statement on Thursday, the UN said Secretary-General António Guterres was concerned about tensions ahead of Sunday’s protests. He urged Cameroon’s government to address the grievances of its Anglophone population, and to take steps to promote national reconciliation, it said.
“The Secretary-General supports upholding the unity and territorial integrity of Cameroon and urges all parties to refrain from acts that could lead to an escalation of tension and violence,” the statement added.
Culled from the BBC
5, October 2017
Southern Cameroons mourns Mayor Martin Fon Yembe 0
I am greatly saddened with the death of my dear friend Martin Yembe. Martin was a passionate defender of human and peoples’ rights. He was a fallen general in the defence of our people. The Southern Cameroons and Lebialem in particular have lost an irreplaceable hero.
Martin took the risk to undertake a detailed investigation of the perennial damage and carnage carried out by land grabbers across our international boundary with the criminal intent of altering the said international boundary protected by a binding international treaty.
The unimpeachable report which was commissioned by the SCNC documented the criminal acts of provocation and unprovoked aggression perpetrated against our peace-loving people of Lebialem. That report forms part of an increasing body of evidence that supports the preplanned nature of the ongoing genocide and crimes against humanity against our people.
Martin, you have gone so soon. But your contributions to the improvement of our dire human condition will live on. Your premature death follows the predictable visit of the angel of death. But the future of the cause you lived and died for will not be determined by the angel of death and apologists of genocide. It will be determined by the sovereign will of the righteous oppressed.
With history our witness, the sovereign will of the righteous oppressed will, as it has done with absolute precision, prevail. But history has already retained that you and most us opted for dialogue but it was rejected and criminalized.
The irrepressible mirror of history captured every moment of the unfolding preplanned genocide that claimed your life and that of hundreds of victims with absolute accuracy. It could not have been otherwise. Indeed, the last images that transposed your transition with that of hundreds of other victims vividly show some of the principal ideologues and actors mobilizing people from the divide with messages portraying the victims as terrorists, thus by conduct and words encouraging soldiers deployed for the purpose to massacre unarmed civilians protected as such by the Geneva Conventions 1949 which Cameroon ratified since 1963.
But for God, the ultimate Judge, how come that with the arrogance of absolute power, and justice of the barrel of the gun at their beg and command, they came out every so often to record their crimes in the soul of time? Martin, God will administer Justice at a time of His choice.
May God bless your gentle soul dear friend and brother.
Chief Charles A.Taku