9, June 2017
There are reasons why Musonge loves Biya 0
The Chairman of the so-called National Commission for the Promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism, Senator Mafany Musonge was recently seen at the Palais des Congrès participating in the Senate’s plenary session. Prior to the beginning of the session, Mafany Musonge had numerous exchanges with many of his senator colleagues including Marcel Niat Njifenji, the president of the Upper House.
The former prime minister and head of government took part in the opening of the second parliamentary session of the legislative year 2017 after his appointment as president of the CPDM commission on bilingualism and multiculturalism on Wednesday the 15th of March 2017. Any right thinking Anglophone trained in the US or UK should have stepped down from his duties as a senator.
To be sure, on March 21, 2017, he was replaced at the head of the CPDM parliamentary group in the Senate by Chief Barrister Tabe Tando who was elected with him from the South West constituency. Musonge’s deputy, Gabriel Dima, was then presented to the House as the man who has taken over from Musonge in the Upper House of Parliament.
Article 22 (1) of the Rules of the Senate stipulates that the exercise of the Senator’s mandate is incompatible with the functions of a member of the Government, member of the Constitutional Council, member of the Economic and Social Council, Mayor, Government Delegate to an urban Council and to any non-elective public office. This provision is supplemented by Article 162 of the Electoral Code.
Former Prime Minister Peter Mafany Musonge (to use his three names) loves the Francophone political system that encourages malpractices such as “Depute-Maire” in order words MP and Mayor at the same time. Musonge is the current Grand Chancellor of National Orders, President of the South West CPDM Group, South West CPDM Senator, Board member of numerous state-owned corporations, member of the ruling CPDM Central Committee- just to name a few
By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai
Cameroon Concord News Group
10, June 2017
Southern Cameroons Crisis: Senate President calls for dialogue 0
The June 2017 ordinary session for the legislative year opened on Thursday 8th June 2017 in Yaoundé with a call for the consolidation of national unity. During the official opening at the Upper House of Parliament, the Senate President Marcel Niat Njifentji read from the similar script prepared by the Biya regime that Cameroon remains one and indivisible and any move against national Unity must be denounced.
He praised Senators for going back to their respective constituencies during the recess period. In like manner, he praised all defense groups that have been combating the terrorist group Boko Haram in the Far North Region.
He also called for the spirit of dialogue tolerance, and conviviality throughout this session of parliament. Discussing the crisis in the two Anglophone Regions all were agreed that only dialogue and newly created Commission for the promotion of Bilingualism and multi- culturalism can be the solution.
Present during the opening session of parliament at the Upper House, were cabinet members led by PM Philemon Yang, President of the National Assembly Honourable Cavaye Yeguie Djibril and the Chief Judge of the Supreme Court Mekobe Sone.
Source: Presstv