21, February 2017
South West Chiefs Deputy Secretary says decision to ban Limbe conference unwise and unfortunate 1
The South West Chiefs Conference, SWECC have raised a finger protesting a decision taken by the Francophone Senior Divisional Officer for Fako, Zang III banning the Elective General Assembly of the association. SDO Zang claimed he made the decision after receiving complaints from the Fako Chiefs. The South West traditional rulers were expected to hold a historic forum from Friday the 17th -Saturday 18th of February 2017 at the Limbe City Council hall. The civil administrator cited social tension and security threats as main reasons for the ban.
The Deputy Secretary General of SWECC, His Royal Highness Chief Robinson Tanyi on behalf of the outgoing President Senator Nfon VE Mukete observed that the ban was ill-advised, unwise and an unfortunate situation. Chief Tanyi Robinson pointed out that SWECC is made up of persons of value and honor including Senators, Parliamentarians, senior administrators, army Generals among others all of whom are men of exceptional standing and quality and ally to the Yaoundé regime. The much respected Upper Banyang Chief further noted that the custodians of the South West tradition have never breached the peace of the nation nor participated in public disorder of any kind that can jeopardize the security apparatus of the state.
Cameroun Info.Net reported that while averring to respect the ban, the chiefs in a statement said, “Article 11 cited in the letter on the election of officers is an internal affair that calls for no interpretation and influence from non members and public officials. You only need to read it well and with goodwill to understand it hasn’t the interpretation given and if at all it does supersede the Fako statutes referred to.”
The South West Chief’s conference is suffering from a deadlock witnessed within Fako Chiefs conference which is expected to produce a single candidate to represent the division. While the people of Buea think that it is time to choose a president, those from Limbe think otherwise. Other faction thinks that HRH Chief Njombe Johnson of Wokaka village presented as candidate is too young and not fit to ran the body.
24, February 2017
Southern Cameroons Crisis: SDF announces forum to discuss federalism and national unity 1
The Social Democratic Front, SDF have announced the holding of an important meeting in the Littoral region aim at putting an end to the Anglophone crisis. In a press release made public yesterday the 23rd of February 2017, the SDF Regional Executive Committee revealed that the forum will take place on Saturday the 4th of March at Bepanda in Douala.
The SDF sources further indicated that the forum is expected to adopt a strong position on federalism and national unity. We understand the March 4th meeting is a follow up of the resolutions that were agreed upon by the Regional Executive Committee meeting that held on January the 15th 2017 in Douala.
The leadership of the Social Democratic Front including the party’s national chairman Ni John Fru Ndi has expressed their total and complete disapproval of the CPDM government’s handling of the Southern Cameroons situation.
Since the beginning of the Southern Cameroons uprising, several government actions have been counterproductive and have contributed to lure many Anglophones to support secession instead of federalism. Francophone media gurus have described Anglophones as “rats” not fit to be part of the Cameroun society.
The Internet services in Anglophone Cameroon were shut down on 14 January. Troops loyal to the Biya Francophone regime in Yaoundé have shot and killed scores of Southern Cameroonians. Hundreds have been arrested and are currently being detained in Francophone jails.
The National Communication Council has closed down all private radio and television stations in Southern Cameroons and state radio and television, CRTV has turned a blind eye to the rapes and extra judicial killings going on in West Cameroon. The Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium has intensified its ghost town campaign and has called for economic sanction on La Republique du Cameroun.
By Rita Akana