17, June 2016
Senator Mafany Musonge,South West Yaounde CPDM gang told to respect Section Presidents 0
The unending internal wrangling, unhealthy rivalry, bitterness and hatred common of the ruling CPDM party was brought to the limelight at a ceremony to officially commission the newly appointed regional and divisional delegation leaders of the South West. While installing the so called Regional Head of the CPDM South West region in the person of Senator Peter Mafany Musonge, the Secretary General of the Central Committee, Jean Nkwete tasked Musonge to reunite the party and restore its credibility in the region.
Cameroon Intelligence Report understands the new CPDM curriculum seems to have rendered the all powerful Section Presidents redundant. However, Secretary Jean Nkwete sounded a note of caution to the newly installed regional and divisional heads not to relegate section presidents and become party bosses.
The CPDM Scribe noted that the party bosses would remain the section presidents. Jean Nkuete emphasized on party discipline for success in future political consultations. The Biya acolyte revealed that the primordial function of the divisional delegations was strictly coordination. CPDM mayors were told to work in close collaboration with the section presidents.
Cham Victor Bama (CIR)
17, June 2016
Cameroon’s new Penal Code: Revelations from the June 2016 Plenary Session 0
Top among the numerous issues deliberated at the June 2016 Plenary session in the so called Upper and Lower houses of parliament were proposals made by the ruling CPDM crime syndicate on the Cameroon Penal Code. Cameroon’s 50 year old Penal Code has witnessed some modifications which includes
–Adultery remains a criminal act not only against women, but men inclusive.
–The eviction of a spouse from the matrimonial home by any person other than the spouse of the victim is now a crime.
–Indecent or illegal practices in any public or private enterprise will lead to complete disintegration, permanent or temporal closure of the enterprise.
–Renting fraud: Six months to three years imprisonment terms for recalcitrant tenants: (those refusing to pay their rents) will be charged with fines ranging from 100 to 300,000 FCFA.
–Unscrupulous tenants who before leaving the house, damage some equipment will be severely punished.
–Street begging prohibited.
– Illegal sale of drugs is now a crime.
The scrutiny exercise was supervised by the Minister of Justice and keeper of the Seals, Laurent Esso, assisted by the Vice Prime Minister, Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Relations with the Assemblies, Amadou Ali. The Cameroon bar association has called for an immediate stop of the penal code review.