21, November 2019
Cameroonian Women Urge Representation in Politics 0
Delegations of women in Cameroon are visiting towns and villages to encourage women to run for office in the upcoming February local and parliamentary elections. Although half the population, women make up less than a third of Cameroon’s 180 lawmakers and just six percent of the country’s 380 mayors.
Members of the activist group More Women in Politics try to convince 62-year old Diedonne Kemche to allow one of his six wives to run as candidate for the local council election.
Kemche, a member of Cameroon’s polygamous Bamikike ethnic group, said he is not sure his wife would perform her household duties if she became an elected official.
He said his wives cannot be wasting time by taking part in political activity. They are supposed to be busy taking care of their children, said Kemche, working on the farm and at home, cooking for their family and being respectful to their husband.
Kemche’s wife Stephanie Ngono, a primary school teacher, disagreed and said, despite her husband’s resistance, she is committed to run for office.
She said men should stop the attitude of restricting their wives’ liberties and freedoms. They should understand that women join politics for their own emancipation, said Ngono, and to give to their communities just as they contribute to the progress of their families.
Ngono’s defiance of her husband to participate in politics is rare in patriarchal Cameroon. Traditional gender roles are still dominant most areas and most women are economically dependent on their husbands.
Coordinator of More Women in Politics Justine Diffo said men usually make the family decisions and do not allow their wives to be seen in public with other men, impairing their participation in politics.
She said they have mobilized support for women not only to take part at the local and parliamentary elections by voting but, most importantly, by being candidates themselves. They are visiting all the council areas where the February 9, 2020 elections will be conducted, said Diffo, to make sure female candidates will not be rejected for not meeting legal requirements.
Cameroon’s political parties say they are working to increase the number of women to run for elected office.
Secretary General of the ruling Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement Jean Nkuete says after hearing complaints from women they are making changes.
The party has decided that four out of every ten candidates for the parliamentary elections should be women, he said, and that at least 42 percent of those vying for elective positions in local councils should be women.
But even with the growing participation of female candidates, getting Cameroonians to vote more women into office in patriarchal societies remains a challenge.
Source: VOA
23, November 2019
Southern Cameroons Crisis: The SDF is no more! 0
The Social Democratic Front, the so-called main opposition party in Cameroon has come to the end of its political mission and the party is in a complete shambolic situation. This week only have seen the SDF party and its leader, Ni John Fru Ndi slapped from pillar to post due to the party’s poor handling of the crisis in Southern Cameroons.
The SDF party has been rocked with a series of crises and it is hard to say who really has legitimate authority following too many inconsistent signals from Hon Joshua Osih, Chairman Fru Ndi and sometimes Hon. Joseph Mbah Ndam.
However, the latest downward trend is an indication that even Ambazonians from the Northern Zone who over the years gave their all to the SDF have now gotten enough of Fru Ndi’s Machiavellian politics rich in bribes from the Biya Francophone Beti Ewondo crime syndicate in Yaoundé.
Fru Ndi’s corrupt list is endless – expelling of sound party leaders; hundreds of millions of FCFA in improper party spending; investiture corruption; SDF Echo fraud; dodgy party appointments; a dodgy political meeting with Biya in Bamenda; endless number of micron project grants fraud. The list goes on and on.
But what has really screwed the SDF is the Southern Cameroons Crisis that has made Ambazonians to now see themselves as one person. The Ambazonia Interim Government banned elections in Southern Cameroons and the exiled leaders are ready more than ever before to implement that decision come February 2020. This has created an atmosphere of fear and panic with several SDF MPs and Councilors quitting the electoral process convened for early next year.
The SDF has lost everything all over Southern Cameroons and La Republique du Cameroun, because its delivery at local level has been pretty much non-existent and a vast number of Southern Cameroonians who kept faith in the party are sick and tired of being screwed over and are also now for complete independence for the people of Southern Cameroons.
Reacting to the prevailing situation, Hon. Dr Awudu Cyprian let the cat out of the bag – it can no longer be business as usual. The much respected SDF MP stated that “I shall not seek re-election into parliament in the legislative elections slated for the 09th of February 2020: Given that I have decided to put your safety-the safety of all my constituents first, before or above my personal political ambition of staying in parliament.” he says.
But such is the state of shock in the SDF party that Dr Awudu furthered in paragraph 2 of his letter to the SDF National Executive Committee that “I must not go back to parliament under the current circumstances walking on the blood and in disrespect of all my constituents who have lost their lives in the civil war.”
And, for the first time ever since its creation in 1990, the SDF will not be able to get anyone among its dirty ranks to rally Ambazonians. Chairman Fru Ndi, Joshua Osih and members of the National Executive Committee of the SDF have nothing in their tanks. The SDF party is now a liability, and because it actually represents nothing in Southern Cameroons, there is no chance of the party influencing any development in the current Southern Cameroons political story.
The SDF may overall just metamorphose into the Ambazonia Interim Government and help the Southern Cameroons make hay.
By Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai