4, June 2020
George Floyd killing: A propaganda victory for America’s adversaries? 0
The killing of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, at the hands of Minneapolis police on May 25 has sparked global criticism not only from America’s allies but also its many political adversaries, for whom American police brutality and racial injustice could be a valuable propaganda tool.
“They want to suffocate us as they suffocated this young African American,” said Nicolas Maduro, president of Venezuela, on Monday. “They want to suffocate us here in the jugular,” he added in a national televised address as he pointed to his neck.
The same day, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi joined the chorus of condemnation, pointedly making his remarks in English.
“To the American people, the world has heard your outcry over this state oppression, the world is standing with you. The American regime is pursuing violence and bullying at home and abroad,” he said.
Both countries have fractious relations with the US and Donald Trump’s administration in particular while also having been the subject of American criticism because of their own human rights records.
“America’s adversaries are having a field day with developments in the United States. I think they have taken advantage of this and the Trump administration is vulnerable to the criticism,” Peter Trubowitz, director of the United States Centre at the London School of Economics, told FRANCE 24.
“Clearly the focus is not on a domestic audience but rather this is an opportunity to score points internationally to highlight what they believe is hypocrisy in the American position.”
Trump’s reaction to the protests, which has included controversial tweets and threats to deploy the army, has been the focus of much of the international condemnation.
On Monday China, which has been criticised by the US and others over the violent crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong, accused the US and Trump of double standards.
“Why is the US depicting the so-called Hong Kong independence movement and violence as beautiful and heroic while calling its own people who are protesting against racial discrimination ‘rioters’?” Said China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian.
“Why is the US making groundless accusations against the Hong Kong police, who exercise restraint and civilised law enforcement, while threatening to shoot and even use the national guard against protesters in the US? This action by the US is the most typical example of double standards.”
But are such statements merely political point scoring or could they have a real impact on US foreign policy goals in China and elsewhere?
“I think the administration is going to find itself in a very difficult position. It is the anniversary of the massacre at Tiananmen Square and normally the US is in a position to really make… and I think it will, it will remind international audiences of what happened then, especially in light of what’s going on in Hong Kong right now,” said Trubowitz.
“But the problem is that given Trump’s own language and responses at home in the United States, they don’t ring true, for many people they won’t have the same kind of credibility.
“Can Trump lead in a very kind of commanding way on these issues? Let’s just put it this way: he can’t lead as forcefully today as he could have say maybe a week ago.”
Source: France 24
6, June 2020
President Sisiku Ayuk Tabe and the Yaoundé Military Tribunal: give a dog a bad name and hang him 0
The Southern Cameroons Interim Government has received the English version of the Yaoundé Military Tribunal verdict on the NERA 10. The document revealed in details how the Biya Francophone regime changed the Nigerian government’s dossier on the Southern Cameroons jailed leaders to make it sexier for the French Cameroun administration.
The Yaoundé Military Tribunal observed that the President of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia was arrested at the Abuja Nera Hotel in possession of “96 war munitions of type 7.60; 151 calibre-12 munitions, 03 barrels; 18 ammunition boxes, 03 detonating cords, 02 grenades, tear gas grenades, 06 Ambazonian flags; 04 American camouflage uniforms, one ARA helmet; camouflaged uniforms and sergeant grades, 03 artisan crafted mobile units; 02 army green pants; one army green vest; 02 packets of Naira; USB flash drives; on mini-taptop (tablet).”
The Military Tribunal revelation that necessitated the life sentence undermined the credibility of well documented Nigerian police information provided by the country’s Minister for Foreign Affairs to the UN Assistant Secretary General that the Southern Cameroons leaders were arrested inside the conference hall of NERA Hotel in Abuja.
The Yaoundé Military Tribunal verdict also raised a host of tough questions and has greatly altered the narrative around the fairness of the Francophone justice system including strengthening the case for independence or resistance forever. The trial process itself was marred by loose use of the French language and lack of judgment. To be sure, Yaoundé simply gave a dog a bad name and hang him with concocted evidence to make a case for continues detention of the Ambazonian leaders.
A senior French Cameroun intelligence officer was quoted as saying that President Biya personally participated in fabricating the dodgy dossier against the Southern Cameroons leaders and during the tail end of the trial process Biya wrote to the presiding judge and those involved and gave them directives.
The Yaoundé Military Tribunal’s demonstration of how the French Cameroun judiciary spun intelligence to fit the case for a life sentence has now finally been released to the people of Southern Cameroons. The Ngarbuh Massacre and the journalist Samuel Wazizi affair signals a continuation of a well teleguided French Cameroun criminal policy designed to deceive the international community.
President Sisiku Ayuk Tabe said the military tribunal decision remains very dodgy and was deliberately designed to stifle the Ambazonian revolution based on false pretences. The fraudulent court decision is the single most serious salvo fired against the people of Southern Cameroons-Ambazonia.
French Cameroun judges are appointed to make the toughest calls in favour of the Biya regime. But in this case, the Southern Cameroons leaders are indeed men sinned against than sinning.
By Chi Prudence Asong