3, February 2017
Trump says ‘Nothing is off the table’ in response to Iran’s missile test 0
US President Donald Trump says “nothing is off the table” in terms of a response to Iran’s ballistic missile test. Trump made the comment on Thursday in response to a question by a reporter about whether he would consider military options to respond to Iran, a day after his national security adviser Michael Flynn put Tehran on “notice.”
The White House also said Thursday it would respond to Iran’s ballistic missile test. “We will have further updates for you on those additional actions, but clearly (Flynn) warned to make sure that Iran understood that they are on notice that this is not going unresponded to,” White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters.
The remarks about Iran by the new Republican president echoes the warnings made repeatedly by former President George W. Bush who on several occasions said he would not take the military option off the table. Former President Barack Obama also threatened military action against Iran before the nuclear agreement between Tehran and world powers in 2015.
6, February 2017
There are reasons for the creation of a Southern Cameroons parliament in exile 0
1) On account of the incontrovertible documentary evidence establishing the responsibility of the Government of Cameroun, in perpetrating egregious acts of violence, kidnapping, militarization and the targeted disruptions of internet services on the peoples of the Southern Cameroons;
2) Cognizant of the fact that the state which is entrusted with the responsibility of protecting the populations against genocide, is deliberately precipitating the same, with the abrogation of common law system of justice and the trial of English-speaking members of the civil society in Military tribunals in French Cameroon where their rights to equal justice are systematically violated;
3) Aware that the 34-year old totalitarian government of Paul Biya who is 84, with a rapidly diminishing mental capacity, has manifestly failed to protect the populations of the Southern Cameroons;
4) Southern Cameroonians in the Diaspora, must take remedial action to urge the Secretary General of the United Nations to table the implementation of the responsibility to protect (A/63/677), before the General Assembly of the United Nations, as a matter of extreme urgency;
5) To this end, Southern Cameroons in the Diaspora cognizant of the incitement of ethnic hatred by government agents provocateurs against targeted sections of the Southern Cameroons population, for the purpose of sparking up ethnic cleansing, with the ongoing plans to arm gullible South West populations to attack and expel North westerners from towns and villages of the Southwest;
6) On account of the need for the Southern Cameroonian populations in the Diaspora to take timely and decisive action to forestall the Biya government’s genocidal plans, the convening of a Southern Cameroons parliament in exile has become imperative;
7) The denial of the right of genuine representation from the populations of the Southern Cameroons, due to the militarization and Gestapo tactics of mass intimidation, elimination and the incitement of terror, empower Southern Cameroons in the free world to provisionally takeover the responsibility to represent the interests of these occupied people until the attainment of self-rule;
8) The availability of modern means of instant communication by audio and video, facilitate the holding of parliamentary deliberations that will be representative and all inclusive.
(This is a draft motion tabled to the people of the Southern Cameroons, worldwide. Your reaction, comment, modification, clarification, opposition, will be highly appreciated).
By Larry Eyong