24, July 2019
French Cameroun Crisis: Christians escape as Boko Haram militants step up attacks in the Far North 0
About 200 families escaped with their lives when Boko Haram Islamist militants ransacked a mainly-Christian village in the Far North Region of Cameroon on 10 July.
Following several previous Boko Haram raids in the area, the families were sleeping in the bush to avoid further attacks when the armed gang stormed Roum village, in the Tourou area, setting fire to homes, killing livestock and plundering food stores and possessions.
A Barnabas contact said the villagers had lost everything and are now taking refuge at a local school. He estimated around 1,120 families in the area were “living in distress” following the attack on Roum, and Boko Haram’s destructive onslaughts on other villages including Goldavi on 5 July, Zeleved on 10 July and Amchide on 11 July.
He said, “The populations have all lost food stocks, clothing, sleeping sets and many other material goods and animals. These attacks led to great fear, psychosis, trauma and panic among the populations.”
The contact reported there had been a resurgence of attacks by Boko Haram since January 2019. He added that the impact of the onslaught is especially devastating because July, August and September are the lean months between harvests in Cameroon. It is also the rainy season when many roads turn to mud, and the security forces are less mobile.
Christian villages in the far north of Cameroon are subject to attacks by Boko Haram militias attempting to establish an Islamic caliphate from north-eastern Nigeria all the way to northern Cameroon, which is predominantly Christian. The UN estimates that more than 170,000 Cameroonians, mainly Christians, have been forced to flee their homes by Boko Haram.
Source: Barnabas Fund
28, July 2019
Ambazonian Rev. Sister elected Mother General of the distinguished Tertiary Sisters of St Francis 0
An Ambazonian nun Rev Sr Theodosia BAKI from Shisong Kumbo has been elected at the recent General Chapter elections of 26 July 2019 to head the distinguished Tertiary Sisters of St Francis of Brixen. As Mother General of this Religious Congregation of Reverend sisters spread throughout on the 5 continents of the world Mother Theodosia BAKI reports directly to the Vatican.
The Catholic congregation of the Tertiary Sisters of St Francis of Assisi of Brixen was founded by the Venerable Sister Maria HEUBER on September 12, 1700. They comprise three provinces covering their apostolate in the world … The Brixen, Bolivia and Cameroon provinces. The Cameroon Province (now to be called Ambazonia Province) with mother house in Shisong was opened by five young Rev. Sisters from Brixen Italy led by Rev Sister Maria Camilla on 8th April 1935. This province which now has more than 100 indigenous sisters has convents and institutions in Ambazonia, La Republique du Cameroun, Chad, Nigeria, Central African Republic and Morocco.
The Tertiary Sisters of St Francis serve their respective communities and the church in the domains of Teaching, Health, Pastoral and Social Services, Orphanages, Office Management and Catering.
At the said election another Ambazonian the Rev Sister Alphonsa KIVEN was also elected Councilor. Two other Ambazonia Reverend Sisters are known to this reporter to have held this office of Superior General, Rev Sister Anna and Rev Sister Alphonsa KIVEN.