11, January 2017
Consortium, Roman Catholic Bishops hold “conclave” on the Southern Cameroons crisis 1
The 2017 annual Episcopal Conference of the Bishops of Cameroon that started on Sunday January 8 in the Pastoral Centre of the Diocese of Mamfe has held a private session grouping the Roman Catholic Bishops and the leaders of The Cameroon Anglophone Civil Society Consortium.
Present were all the Bishops of Cameroon and top on the agenda was discussions on the Papal encyclical Amoris Lettitia which deals with the new marriage law of the Catholic Church. After the official opening ceremony on Monday attended by the Mayor of Mamfe, John Ayuk Takunchong and the administration of Manyu Division, the Bishops and other invited Roman Catholic couples from various dioceses where schooled on the documents by experts for two days.
According to the program, the Bishops were to go into a conclave as from today the 11th. This conclave drew the attention of all Cameroonians specially the members of the Consortium who were invited by the Bishops. The highly expected closed door meeting lasted for over 4 hours with no official declaration made public.
Cameroon Intelligence Report staff man revealed that the Anglophone leaders left the conclave visibly satisfied. The President, Barrister Agbor Balla, the Secretary Dr Niba Fontem and the Right Hon. Wilfred Tassang refused to make any meaningful comments to the press. The nation is waiting for the final declaration of the Bishops Conference that will provide an insight and stands of the Bishops of Cameroon on the ongoing crisis in southern Cameroon. The annual Cameroon Bishops forum ends on the 14th of January.
By Bruno Difand Tarh in Mamfe for CIR
14, January 2017
Mamfe: Roman Catholic Bishops of Cameroon directs Christians on marriage 0
On the occasion of the 40th Seminar
Held in Mamfe from 07 to 14 January 2017
To the People of God in Cameroon;
To all persons of good will
May the Grace, Love and Peace of the Lord be with you, members of the Church, the family of God Cameroon!
This exhortation highlights the pastoral attitude to adopt in the face of the many challenges confronting the family today.
Among these challenges are: the attack on the dignity of Christian marriage; the weakening of love between spouses; the growth of single-parent families; the promotion of “gender ideology”, which risks putting men and women in conflict; the distortion of human love; the promotion of same-sex marriages, the legalization of the destruction of the family, the commercialization of the female body, divorce and remarriage, the legalization of abortion, etc.
– To propose to you values and offer couples motivation for this courageous and lasting stake that marriage is. (Amoris Laetitia No. 201);
– To approach families with a humble understanding, and to accompany them so that they can discover the best way to overcome the difficulties that they encounter daily. (Amoris Laetitia No. 200).
“To find the right language, arguments and forms of witness that can help us reach the hearts of young people, appealing to their capacity for generosity, commitment, love and even heroism, and in this way inviting them to take up the challenge of marriage with enthusiasm and courage” (Amoris Laetitia No. 40).
The preparation of fiancés for Christian marriage will henceforth be done through the structure of an interdisciplinary team for the pastoral care of the family, composed of well-prepared priests, lay persons and couples, at the levels of basic Christian communities, mission stations, parishes, deaneries and dioceses. The experience of the Pastoral Institutes shall be of great help here.
We admit that the service of accompanying couples after marriage has been inadequate. But with the advent of Amoris Laetitia, this post-sacramental accompaniment becomes urgency and a pastoral priority today. We will therefore seize all the opportunities offered by the life of the Church, such as recollections, birthdays, wedding anniversaries, baptisms, death celebrations, etc.(Amoris Laetitia No. 208) in order to consolidate the newlyweds in their matrimonial commitments.
In this respect, we will incorporate these orientations into the National Directory for Pastoral Care of the Family that is being revised and in the Pastoral Plans being drawn up in our dioceses.
We urge couples and pastoral agents, and the faithful to read and meditate on Amoris Laetitia.
The infinite Mercy of God requires from each Christian a discernment and a true personal conversion.
On this path of welcoming the joy of love, we look unto the merciful eyes of the Holy Mother of God, for it is she who is the first to showus the way and accompany us in experiencing love. (Pope Francis)