19, November 2021
FECAFOOT Crisis: Abdouraman slams FIFA, Infantino for ignoring CAS rulings and preventing football development 0
FIFA has again come under attack for its political maneuvering in Africa, this time from a leading club president in Cameroon who criticises the world governing body and its president Gianni Infantino for manipulating the federation politics, manipulating and ignoring rulings made at CAS and preventing the meaningful development of the game in Africa.
Abdouraman Hamadou Babba, president of top flight club Etoile Filante de Garoua, in a letter to national associations and the FIFA Council titled ‘Denouncing the actions of FIFA President’, said: “In Africa in particular, the FIFA President, instead of working for FIFA, works for himself and for his re-election. All efforts made by FIFA staff in Africa are aimed primarily at establishing at the head of national associations persons who have pledged allegiance to Mr. Gianni Infantino, to ensure the vote of their respective federations during FIFA elections.”
It is an incendiary criticism and one that is frequently heard behind closed doors but such is FIFA iron grip on Africa, seldom heard publicly. Abdouraman Babba is one of a number of voices in football in Africa who has frequently held FIFA to account.
He says “the behavior of the President and GS (Fatma Samoura) of FIFA, in co-action with Mr. Veron Mosengo-Omba, henceforth GS of CAF, may be seen in several African countries, notably in Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Chad, Madagascaror more recently in Kenya, to name but a few.”
With African nations increasingly falling into public dispute with FIFA, the African powerbase that Infantino has built his leadership could be potentially crumbling ahead of Infantino’s potential re-election.
“This obsession of the FIFA President to want, at all costs, to guarantee his re- election by choosing by himself thepresidents of the African national associations, is the main reason for the state of underdevelopment in which Africanfootball is found,” said Abdouraman Babba.
On 15 January 2021, the Court of Arbitration for Sports (CAS) annulled the Cameroon FA electoral process that had been “fraudulently” organised by the FIFA Normalisation Committee in 2017. That happened after the cancellation of another fraudulent electoral process organised in 2015 by another Normalisation Committee appointed by FIFA in 2013.
“Curiously” says Abdouraman Babba, CAS suggested to FIFA to allow the Executive Committee whose election had been cancelled to remain in office to organise a new electoral process. Infantino, who at that same time was visiting Cameroon, announced on national TV that FIFA will continue in office, on an interim basis, with the Executive Committee which had just had its election annulled by CAS.
“This position of the FIFA President, which is contrary to the provisions of Article 19 of the FIFA Statutes, was confirmed on 16 January 2021 by a letter from the FIFA Secretary General, Mrs. Fatma Samoura,” says Abdouraman Babba.
In response to FIFA’s decision he says the “legitimate members of FECAFOOT’s General Assembly convened an extraordinary session to appoint a Provisional Executive Committee to manage the current affairs and to organize a new electoral process.
“Despite this appointment and despite the clear position of the Cameroonian Minister of Sports, Mrs. Fatma Samoura and Mr. Véron Mosengo-Omba did what had hitherto never been seen – jointly signed a letter on a header carrying the logos of FIFA and CAF. This letter ordered the illegal Executive Committee to hold a general assembly session, composed of illegitimate members of FECAFOOT, to adopt false statutes for FECAFOOT and to proceed to organize on this basis a false electoral process.”
Abdouraman Babba goes further, accusing the CAS Registrar’s office of being complicit with FIFA in withholding decisions made at arbitration and “influence the fate of certain arbitral rulings and even modify them in certain cases, especially when the interests of the FIFA President are at stake”.
In his letter he calls for a rewriting of the FIFA statutes around the imposition of Normalisation Committees as well as reform of CAS which he says is “only an instrument of domination and colonization in the hands of the FIFA President.It is urgent, in collaboration with the IOC, to put an end to the networks of influence peddling, which have captured CAS and are seriously hindering the development of football in the world.”
Source: Inside World Football
25, November 2021
Africa Cup of Nations 2021: The most useless Francophones in Africa are living in Cameroon 0
More than eight months ago, CAF officials sounded a note of caution to Cameroonian football authorities that CAF will relocate the opening ceremony of the 2021 Africa Cup of Nations, from the Olembe Football Stadium in Yaoundé to another venue in Douala if something is not done and done in a hurry to complete construction work in the stadium.
Today , the Secretary General of CAF, Veron Mosengo has gone public with the matter saying “I am sorry to note that despite the many visits, including that of the President and Secretary General of CAF and the Vice President of CAF and the promises that followed, the actions have not followed.”
Mr. Veron Mosengo added “Regarding the Olembe stadium, know that if everything is not settled by November 30, 2021, the opening match will take place elsewhere. Arrangements have already been made in this direction, but it would be unfortunate for the Organizing Committee, for CAF and for Cameroon.”
Cameroon football is indeed a source of glory and shame because of the Francophone factor
On November 20, 2021, a delegation led by Prof. Mouelle Kombi Minister of Sports was at the Olembe Stadium and the big man was quoted as saying “I am satisfied with what I have seen in relation to the progress of work, inside and outside.”
However, mindful of the fact that this is not a CPDM Congress; the Confederation of African Football has identified shortcomings in various organizational aspects and is threatening to relocate the opening match.
With less than 50 days to go before the kick-off of the African Cup of Nations, scheduled for January-February in Cameroon, the Confederation of African Football (CAF) is now increasing the pressure on the ruling CPDM crime syndicate.
Veron Mosengo observed that “The state of progress of the exteriors of the Olembe stadium, whose delivery is scheduled for November 30, 2021, is still without an iota of development since my last visit dated October 22.” The secretary general of CAF illustrated his words with images dating from November 16, 2021 and also denounced the state of the grass in some of the training grounds.
He also raised a finger against the government’s laxity in developing strict Covid-19 protocols aimed at protecting players from the spread of the virus during the tournament.
Mr. Veron Mosengo furthered that “None of the recommendations made by the team of experts from CAF during its October 3 to 15, 2021 tour for development work has been taken into consideration.” He cited the problem of recruitment, volunteers, the use of visuals during the competition without permission and customs procedures to facilitate the entry of equipment into the country.
By Rita Akana in Yaoundé