Manyu: Happy Birthday song now in Ejagham Language 0

The tune to the song ‘Happy Birthday to you’ is used in many different languages around the globe. There are also a number of other birthday songs, some of which use the same tune but different words.

‘Happy Birthday to you’ was written in 1893 by Patty and Mildred Hill, teachers in Louisville, Kentucky in the USA. The tune came from another song called ‘Good Morning to All’.

The English version: Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear——-, Happy Birthday to you has attracted the attention of Tambendiparrah Tanyi, a native of Kembong, Eyumojock Sub Division in Manyu for ages!

The German trained Engineer and international IT-Consultant who also moonlights as an instrumental author of the Ejagham book – “Nguid Ejagham – Echort Ejagham” and a promoter of Ejagham culture and tradition recently put pen to paper and developed the Ejagham version of the song.

Here goes the lyrics and also do not forget to join Cameroon Concord News on face book and watch how Eyum Anneh performs the birthday song live  

Bhere Oyibhambenghe Ofuh Obliih

1) Bhere Oyibhambenghe Ofuh Obliih

Bhere Oyibhambenghe Ofuh Obliih

Bhere Oyibhambenghe Ofuh Obliih obha ah!

Bhere Oyibhambenghe Ofuh Obliih

2) Oreh Ngyah ebheg Eyih!

Oreh Ngyah ebheg Eyih!

Oreh ngyah ebheg Eyih-ih!

Oreh ngyah ebheg Eyih!

3) Titih Ngya ya, Ngya gya!

Titih Ngya ya, Ngya gya!

Titih Ngya ya, Ngya mbeeh eyah!

Titih Ngya ya, Ngya gya!