MOHWA: A resignation is in order! 0

After having seen videos wherein MOHWA members are lambasting their own president, listened to voice notes sent by disgruntled members and read messages confirming that the environment within which MOHWA activities are taking place is toxic, the Cameroon Concord News Group’s Editorial Board has come to the conclusion that it will be in the best interest of the current president of MOHWA to resign for MOHWA to actually undertake a massive rebranding operation as the organization’s current image leaves much to be desired.

Many surrogates of the MOHWA president might have felt hurt by the exposure of the malfeasance and infighting taking place within the organization, but none of them has actually demonstrated that the allegations leveled against the president of MOHWA and his associates are false.

On the contrary, they opted to go down the war path even with a diminished war chest, threatening to take legal action which cannot stand in any jurisdiction because there is overwhelming evidence to demonstrate that MOHWA’s roof is on fire.

The creation of EYUMEMA and NYENE MAWN are clear testimonies to the frustration which former members of MOHWA have had to endure for a long time because of the manipulative and radioactive behavior of the organization’s leadership.

MOHWA members, at least those who believe in objectivity, should call for a thorough investigation of those allegations. A good job in that regard might help MOHWA to reinvent itself and possibly earn the love and respect of some disenchanted members.

However, given that such an investigation cannot take place under the current leadership, we of the Cameroon Concord News and the Cameroon Intelligence Report are joining our voices to that of other MOHWA members to call for the resignation of Professor Comfort Beyang Oben whose stewardship has been anything but peaceful.

MOHWA is too big to fail and it would be ill-advised to let those who have created this mess to be those to implement a clean-up operation.

Soter Tarh Agbaw-Ebai

Group Chairman and Editor-in-chief

Cameroon Concord News Group