Southern Cameroons Crisis: Yerima on the release of President Sisiku Ayuk Tabe’s lawyer from SED 0


On Monday, 31 May 2021, Barrister Amungwa Tanyi Nicodemus, a lead lawyer for our Leaders in detention, was arrested by the French Cameroun Gendarmerie in Yaoundé on dubious charges.

After ten days in detention, the regime in Yaoundé released him this evening on bail after a series of auditions at the military tribunal. Barrister Amungwa was neither charged nor given reasons for his arrest.

I want to thank all the lawyers of the Interim Government of Ambazonia who worked tirelessly to secure his release. Likewise, the people of Ambazonia are grateful to Human Rights Watch for taking his plight to a global audience.

French Cameroun’s unacceptable harassment of members of the Southern Cameroons legal profession must stop.

The people of Ambazonia are facing a brutal enemy with no respect for life, human rights, the rule of law and international norms. But, as a people, we will not be silenced by intimidation and persecution. Our prize is Buea, and we must stay resolute and focused.

Thank You

Vice President Dabney Yerima

Federal Republic of Ambazonia