Southern Cameroons Reconstruction: Minister Tasong says only a third of funding raised since 2020 0

Minister Paul Tasong, head of the steering committee for the Presidential Plan for the Reconstruction and Development of the North-West and South-West Regions (PPRD-NO/SO), revealed during the 14th session of the North-West Regional Assembly that only 50 billion CFA francs of the 154 billion CFA francs expected since 2020 have been raised. Initially, the plan was scheduled to last two years. 

Since its launch in 2020, the Presidential Plan has struggled to attract significant support from Cameroon’s international partners. Countries like France and the United States conditioned their participation on the implementation of a genuine dialogue to resolve the ongoing armed conflict in the separatist regions. As a result, only a few partners, such as Japan and the United Nations Development Programme, have released funds to support infrastructure rehabilitation projects in these regions.

Paul Tasong, who also serves as Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy, Planning, and Regional Development, reported that 258 projects have been completed in areas such as providing agricultural inputs to farmers, building schools, and setting up water supply systems. Additionally, 38 projects are still underway, while 2 have been suspended.

He thanked the partners who have contributed to the Presidential Plan, noting that an estimated 2,500 billion CFA francs would be needed for the complete transformation of the North-West and South-West regions, according to a communication from the North-West Regional Assembly.

Source: Business in Cameroon